The idea was originally found in A_Bored_Reader Undertale ideas for stories that hit me like the brick called Reborn! I asked permission to use it. Read the original if you're interested, but it contains quite a few spoilers for this story.
Warnings: The impersonality of gifts, formal and played delight.]
– We're here! – Palette heard Ink's excited voice from his left.
– Are you ready? – Dream gently touched his skull. Palette responded with a firm nod and a frozen smile on his face. His parents did not notice how the tension in his body disappear at the sight that unfolded before him. On both sides of the river, with pillars with gold edges overgrown with pink peonies supported the glass cupola roof. The water of the river was so clear that you could see to the bottom, and on the surface floated the bouquets of flowers that also decorated the pillars. A lonely flower floating in the surface of the water caught his eye, as he reached for it with true tenderness in his smile.
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At the end of the corridor, the silhouette of a building unfolded, and in front of the walls of the building was the garden with the tables set up, the guests waiting for them, the birthday ribbons and decorations.
– Happy birthday my treasure – his parents with proud smiles and hugs. Nightmare/Palette returned their parental love with faint bitterness. After his parents let him go, it was the guests' turn to greet him, hug him and give him gifts. Among the guests, there were those whom he welcomed and those whom he only tolerated or outright bothered him.
– Lady Life! Mercy! – he greeted them as he received the gift.
– Palette, I hope you like it – Mercy modestly feeling that they are not that close.
– We chose it together – Life, smiling proudly. Inside the package was a magical sunflower, and Nightmare knew immediately that it was Life's chose.
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– Thank you – Palette with empty smile.
"It will have a good place next to the pendant of Positivity that Dream tends to leave around the house instead of wearing it" Nightmare/Palette considering the thought funny.
Error/Goth approached the birthday celebrant in the spotlight sympathetically.
– My Star – Error/Goth holding his hands together with a gentle, understanding look.