The idea was originally found in A_Bored_Reader Undertale ideas for stories that hit me like the brick called Reborn! I asked permission to use it. Read the original if you're interested, but it contains quite a few spoilers for this story.
Warnings: It is flashback in it and the title it can be misunderstood.]
Reaper, as a neutral, didn't really have interactions with the Destroyer other than gathering the souls of the dead after him!
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Lost and Broken, who helped him with this part of his job, told him a thing or two that made him curious about...
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But it was his duty as the God of Death to remain neutral and he was not sure if he would not side with the Destroyer, if he knows more... So, he just watched, after all even without the Destroyer, it wasn't easy with those around him! In addition, it would have been logical, if his job will become easier without the Destroyer...
But then he met Geno, he was happy and the world vanished to him for a time!
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The Death of the Destroyer hit him unexpectedly! He felt when the Destroyer and Nightmare turn to dust, but neither he nor his brother took they souls... Lost and Broken disappeared with them! And Reaper didn't know what to think, about the restlessness he felt then... Something was very wrong! Most of the world, however, was too busy with the celebration to notice! And when he tried to find out, what was wrong, he couldn't find anything. But no matter what he thought about, the life went on!