The idea was originally found in A_Bored_Reader Undertale ideas for stories that hit me like the brick called Reborn! I asked permission to use it. Read the original if you're interested, but it contains quite a few spoilers for this story.
["Thoughts of Nightmare / Palette" AU= Alternative Universe
Warnings: Bad intentions, Manipulation, Cussing, mention of poisoning, My version about the power of Ink and Palette.]
While Dream was too restrained during the training, Ink was often too insensitive. Palette really enjoyed learning together with Blue and Razz. Even if he had just a few opportunities to do it. He loved what was shown, when they fought each other. Blue and Razz adjusted to his level when they teach him, but didn't hold back themselves and were not afraid to hurt him. But in the meantime, they were also understanding, motivating and helpful. Palette like it to be with Blue and Razz more than with Ink or Dream. Even playing a kid with Nova and Astronomy was better, than being locked with Ink and Dream's expectations!
Nova was 5 years old when his parents started teaching him self-defense.
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Then Sci turned to Ink with a request to create a school, where kids like Astronomy and Palette could study. The new AU was named extremely creatively School-tale. Palette and Astronomy joined first. Although Ink and Dream didn't really want him to go to school, they preferred it when Palette was with them, but unfortunately, they had to show an example... Palette don't like much the idea either, but at least while he was in school, he didn't have to endure Ink and Dream.
Palette was 6 years old,
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Astronomy 7 when School-tale was done and they started going to school.
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