The idea was originally found in A_Bored_Reader Undertale ideas for stories that hit me like the brick called Reborn! I asked permission to use it. Read the original if you're interested, but it contains quite a few spoilers for this story.
Warnings: Relatively sad conversation in the first half of the chapter, blindness and Fate. The ship is still flirting and going a little further. :D Possession and comparing love to a drug... Our characters being themselves.]
After Dream calmed down, he wiped away his tears in embarrassment.
– I'm sorry you had to see this side of me – Dream apologetically, Palette smiled and shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to be ashamed of.
– Don't apologize, it honestly makes me happy that you don't hide your tears from me. It helps me feel closer to you and understand your point of view – Nightmare / Palette encouraging him to show his emotions with a soft smile and gentle words.
– You word it very beautifully – Dream in a melodious voice. Relaxing from the pleasant atmosphere and crying, sincerely enjoying the moment.
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– I'm glad you're cheered up, but there's still a few things we need to talk about – Nightmare / Palette with fake hesitation in his voice.
– Sure, feel free to ask – Dream with a carefree smile.
– ...Would you tell me about Nightmare – Nightmare / Palette preparing himself for the conversation. Following the request, Dream's smile immediately become bitter. – I know it's hard for you, but I need to know! – Star reasoned, refusing to back down now.
– You know, I think that under different circumstances, Nightmare would have been a wonderful uncle to you... – Dream started, surprising Star with it. – He also loved books and exploring, and he was a very caring brother who taught me a lot... I honestly looked up to him because of his intelligence and abilities... – he continued in a melancholy tone.
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– What happened? What changed? – Nightmare/Palette genuinely wanting to know Dream point of view.
– We drifted apart... Or more precisely they separated us... – Dream bitterly.
– What do you mean? – Palette curiously.
– In the beginning it was just a difference of opinion and it took more time than I want to admit to realize... But the villagers kept finding reasons why I should be with them instead of Nightmare... I made many mistakes at that time and by the time I realized it was too late... The tragedy happened and I lost everything that was important to me during one day... – Dream's bitter smile was emphasized by golden tears. Nightmare / Palette was filled with cold emptiness, though he acknowledged his progress, he wasn't particularly moved by the realization. – My brother, my friends, my world and my freedom all disappeared in an instant – his voice was also veiled by tears. – And then I struggled with the memories and the loss trapped in the positivity of the world, constantly clinging to the hope that I could still save my brother – still feeling uncomfortable by the memory.