Chapter 36: Words about the Multiverse Resets

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[Writer's/My comments]

["Thoughts of Nightmare / Palette"

"Thoughts of Error / Goth"


AU= Alternative Universe

Warnings: Mistrust, Compulsion to prove, self-esteem issues, neglect of self-health, mention of loss and Multiverse Reset.]  

 – Are your wings permanent too? – one of the younger children cheerfully.

– They're magical – replied Error/Goth stroking the child's head with a patient and gentle smile.

– So, you could make them disappear? – a teenage rabbit wants to make sure about it.

– Yes, leaving them is part of my training to get used to them – Error/Goth answering the question

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– Yes, leaving them is part of my training to get used to them – Error/Goth answering the question.

– Training? Are you some kind of fighter too? – one of them with enthusiastic admiration.

– Not quite – Error/Goth not giving an actual answer. – But I learned self-defense – added with a half-smile.

– Would you teach us too? – they were enthusiastic, they turned to him with inquisitive, hopeful faces.

– I don't think adults would appreciate it! But I can show you a few tricks – Error/Goth with a mischievous smile. Nightmare/Palette listened to them with a smile while covering the sleeping children's. He was missing a bit his 4 tentacles, that allowed him to move thinks more effectively than using just two hands. 

He is already used to their absence, but sometimes he still misses them

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He is already used to their absence, but sometimes he still misses them. As strange as it was to get used to them, it was strange now without them.

Most of the children performed the exercises Goth showed them cheerfully, enjoying the way Goth taught them. But there were a few who hesitated or questioned, whether what they were doing was really useful.

– Why don't you try it, to see if it's useful or not? – suggested Nightmare/Palette inviting them into playful combat.

– Come on, show me what you can do without magic – accepted the challenge one of the teens with a grin. 

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