Chapter 4: Palette soul

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 [Writer's/My comments]

[I'm not good at English so it's probably full of grammatical errors.

"Thoughts of Nightmare / Palette" AU= Alternative Universe

Warnings: Bad intentions, Manipulation, Cussing, emotional illness (I don't know if such an emotional illness really exists), deceptive behavior, Nightmare's hateful comments about Dream and Ink. Nightmare's emotional outburst, inspiration based somewhat unique approach to souls, Naming Ink paint vials which give his emotions as drugs.]

  After the lesson, Nightmare peeked between the open door as he saw Ink arrange the paint bottles that give his emotions as if he was just trying to figure out how he was supposed to feel.

  After the lesson, Nightmare peeked between the open door as he saw Ink arrange the paint bottles that give his emotions as if he was just trying to figure out how he was supposed to feel

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– Ink – Dream grabbed his shoulder to caught his attention.

– Dream I really do not know what to think! What if Palette is going to be like me or worse... –expressed his concern Ink.

– Ink we both saw his soul when he was born! Even then we knew well Palette is special – Ink smiled slightly at Dream's words.

– Of course, is special after all is our child! – declared Ink proudly after sipping into the vial containing the yellow paint. – I'm sure only this is the case! – he encouraged himself. Dream glad for his own success hugged him. – We should also tell Palette about the test... – Ink a little more seriously. Dream nodded in agreement. Palette slid silently into his drawing corner and start into a landscape that reflects his confused emotions.

"This is not the first time I have felt the storm of emotions swirling inside me... I feel like the center of the storm, I becoming more and more empty... Do I feel so empty because of a problem inherited from Ink? Or because I've already gotten to a point where those emotions that have been locked out over the millennia have become too much for me to handle even more..." he drew his sketch of a hurricane raging in a beautiful and lively forest, at the center a desert dry wasteland covered with cracks and fractures as if it had just shattered.

– Palette – Dream addressed to his drawing child. Palette turned to him with an emotionless face, which made Dream shuddered at the sight and much more uncertain – Palette? – addressed him again as if he just felt it was different than before.

– Yes? – Palette replied, tilting his head to the side.

– Dream wants to say that we're going to take you for an investigation! – announced Ink seeing Dream hesitation.

– For an investigation? – Palette asked back.

– Yes, you know when they look to see if you have this disease – Dream misunderstood the question.

–...Why maybe there's something wrong with me? – he asked, smiling darkly to himself at the mistake Dream made.

– ... – they looked at each other. – We want to take you for an investigation to make sure nothing is wrong with you – Ink replied firmly.

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