Chapter 2: open hours

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Katsuki Bakugo


I hate this class so fucking much! All the fucking noise from the losers that sat near me made me want to break down and cry, making me question my policy to not kill without extremely good reason. They just ground my gears so easily, the constant whining and laughter driving me near insane. It was bad enough having to share a dorm with the the redhead, but the fact that the stupid blond that was always smiling that idiotic smile was constantly with him. It was barely ever just me with the redhead, the most bearable of the ragtag crew. The pink one was the loudest, always squealing about something or other. On the menu today was "the quiet boy in the corner"

"Why's he suddenly peaked your interest Mina~?" The blondie asked, and I mentally facepalmed at his suggestive tone.

"Noooo Kami! I just wondered...y'know, does anyone know anything about him? His name, job, roommate?"

".....nah actually, I don't know anything. I've seen him hanging out with Yaoyorozu though, so I think she knows him."

"Yao-Momo? I guess I'll ask her a few things at lunch then! Don't you know anything, Baku?"

"Why the fuck would I? He's not spoken to you losers, so why would he have spoken to me?"

"Who knows? He might like guys with a terrible attitude~"

"Fuck off Pinky, my attitude is only bad because of you losers!"

"You say that bro, but look at how you treat poor Midoriya!"

"He gets what he deserves"

"But anyway, that guy? You seriously know nothing about him?"

"Why are you so shocked, Shit Hair? You don't know anything either!"

"I know bro, it's just... he's so mysterious, I kinda wanna know something about him!"

"Ew, don't tell me you've got a fucking crush on him, idiot!"

"I'm admiring his manly silence, ok?! That doesn't automatically mean that I'm in love with him!"

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation with you losers. Sit the fuck down, Aizawa's coming."

"Chill out dude, he knows we talk before class! God, you're like a fricking bomb!"

"I'll bomb you if you don't stop talking, Kaminari!"

"Minnnnnaaaaa! Kacchan said something mean to me....." the fucking annoying asshole said with a fake pout.

"Bakugo! I expect better from you young man!"

Aizawa, our lame-ass prof, came strolling into the room before I could earn myself a life sentence in prison for mass murder. He did the usual check as to who was absent (which, as usual, was fucking NOBODY!) and began the lesson.

"Ok, so today we will be learning about the buildup to the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-5, more specifically why the Russians were unprepared for it. Read over pages 3 and 4 of the Russia booklets I gave to you last week, and make notes on the factors. In twenty minutes or so, I'll stop you and we'll start talking about an essay on this. Any issues?"

Nobody said anything, so he nodded, and I set to work. The class had a habit of being as noisy as could be before and after he taught, and as silent as a cadaver during lessons. It made for pretty boring times in this room, but also allowed for some peak concentration.

Unfortunately though, I wasn't feeling very peak or concentrated at the moment. My mind, my stupid stupid mind, had somehow managed to wander to the aforementioned quiet weirdo sat by the window. The absent way in which he stared at the birds flying around both pissed me off to no end and intrigued me about him. I wanted to punch him and ask him questions at the same time. Sadly for him, it was more of the former, but at the same time, we'd never exactly spoken to one another, so it was hard for me to justify beating the shit out of him juuuuuust yet.

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