Chapter 18: another day

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Shoto Todoroki

Well...that was magical. The entirety of yesterday had been progressively getting better and better, and my adoration for the boy who still lay fast asleep on his couch had grown exponentially. I'd woken up about half an hour ago, just in time to see the sun peeking through the cloudy horizon. It was to rain today, torrential at times, and the sky certainly foretold of that. My early awakening had given me the time to slowly peel myself off Bakugo, after spending a second night asleep on his couch with him. Kirishima hadn't even blinked when he saw us there halfway through my attempt, greeting me with a wave as if it happened every single day.

I had set about making myself a coffee when movement caught my eye, and I turned to see Bakugo sat up and rubbing his eyes sleepily. I quickly grabbed another cup out of the cupboard and lay it next to mine, slight guilt creeping in over my selfishness. I saw Bakugo approaching, thinking he was being sneaky, and turned to him with a "really?" look. He chuckled and shrugged, rubbing a hand through his puffy hair. As he did, a couple of strands drifted from their meticulous positioning, and I reached up to put them back. As I did, I patted his head again as I had a few days back, this time a lot less awkwardly. He seemed quite happy with this, and smiled sleepily before trudging off to change, both of us still in yesterday's clothes.

I left his coffee in an acceptably visible place before slumping back down onto the couch with mine, soon to be joined by the now uniform-clad blond. He always made a lazy effort at tying his tie, and I had a hunch that he just kept it tied and slid it on every morning. Sighing, I reached over and fixed his collar, before untying the mess around his neck. He sat still with a frustrated look on his face, sticking his tongue out at me as we locked eyes. Finishing off my correction to his total botch, I aligned his collar and the tie, making sure he appeared as clean as possible. Nodding, I affirmed to him that he was fine, and he rolled his eyes, checking himself using his phone's camera. We had exchanged numbers due to the project, but tended not to message much, keeping most of our interesting chats for face-to-face encounters.

He smirked in approval of himself, and I swatted his hand away from fiddling with the tie, glaring at him with the malice of a parent. We couldn't end up keeping straight faces though, and once again found ourselves laughing instead of continuing our playful joking. We honestly needed to find a way to function without having these unstoppable laughing fits, it was hampering our functionality!

After I'd finally composed myself, I had to leave the boy, going back to my dorm to get changed myself. Momo wasn't there, which I'd expected, since she usually sleeps over at Kyoka's dorm at least once a week, and has clothes permanently there just in case.

As I was changing, I thought about...well, Bakugo. Who else...? I thought about what we 'were', whether we were still classified as friends, or whether we were already something more. I mean, it seems obvious that we were lovers, but without the specific question, I was feeling conflicted on a lot of things I wanted to do.

This morning, for example. When I saw him wake up, I'd gotten my hopes up for him wrapping his arms around my back like they do in movies and cute stories, but my rational brain told me "no, he's not your boyfriend"

...but, is he? Did he think we were boyfriends? Did he want to wrap his arms around my back like they do in movies and cute stories, but his rational brain told him "no, he's not your boyfriend", so he hadn't? Ugh! It's all just so hopelessly confusing!

My despair was interrupted by a quick glance at the clock, telling me to hurry the fuck up. My mind was anywhere except for class right now, and I knew it would feel never-ending once I got there.

I was absolutely right, and what felt like 16 hours later, it was finally time for lunch. As it turns out, both Kyoka and Momo are absent today, so I made the decision to go hunting for Bakugo, especially seeing as we would be together this afternoon as well.

The appointment was something I'd totally forgotten about, only remembering it about 6 hours ago, while in class. It had been less of a worry to me after Bakugo said he would come with us, and to be honest I'm not sure why I was particularly worried. There was no reason to believe that it would be any different than the other pointless check-ups Dr Yosano had previously done on me. But something nagged me, clawing at three back of my mind, telling me that this one was different. A part of me wanted a boring appointment, just to prove my inner-self wrong, but somehow it felt out of my reach.

I spied Bakugo, sat down next to his friends with an annoyed scowl on his face. He should get that tattooed somewhere... is the thought he interrupted me from, waving me down with an almost pleading look on his face. I sat down a reasonable distance from him, and he slid over the familiar notebook, having written "HELP!!" in massive, messy writing. I took the pen off him, writing in the best cursive I could, responding with "no thank you x"

He pouted at that, so I rolled my eyes and started writing to Mina, distracting her from him. Every time he spoke aloud, I had a grip on his forearm, making sure to soak in the feeling of his voice. It's beautiful, the low-pitched yet many vibrations telling me he was shouting with a deep voice. The others, except Kirishima of course, didn't seem to notice me getting closer to him, and before long, they'd all disappeared, and I'd cuddled into his side lazily. He tapped my shoulder and gestured for us to go, and we walked off towards his dorm.

The metaphorical sunset in our lives

I need to stop doing cute chapters, something must change soon.

Or maybe this is all part of the plan 👀

(You guys think I plan this stuff?!)

Fact of the Day: the chapter name is the first half of a lyric. The next chapter will finish that lyric off.

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