Chapter 19: another systematic nightmare

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CW // Angst, with a capital A

Shoto Todoroki's the big moment, I guess. Bakugo and I were walking pretty fast, making our way towards my mother's. We'd been messing around, and had slightly underestimated how long the walk would take, so were now rushing to meet her on time. The appointment was 2:20, so we weren't exactly pressed for time meeting her at 2, but I wanted to have at least a little time for her to meet Bakugo.

After all, I hadn't actually told her he was coming with. Sure, she knew about him, but there was a wide margin when it come to her, and she had the potential to immediately dismiss him as trouble. I'd already told Bakugo that I wanted us to be completely open about our relationship with her, because she hates secrets, and he's agreed, albeit with caution. I felt him tense up as I slowed my pace approaching one of the doors at 1:57, and linked my arm in his as I knocked with the other one.

Mum answered pretty quickly, her smile faltering for little more than half a second, but it quickly grew again as she greeted Bakugo. I felt him speaking as I pressed against him, his arm wrapping around my shoulder as my mother sussed everything out. I took the initiative, and freed my arms so I could sign to her.

"Don't embarrass me, I can tell you are"

"He's beautiful. You've done rather well, Shoto"

I rolled my eyes, both at the motherly praise, but also at the fact that I knew Bakugo knew the sign for beautiful, cursing her choice of words.

"Yeah. I asked him to come, I hope you don't mind"

"That's ok, but does it mean you're nervous?"

"A little bit. Just a hunch"

"I see...well it's fine by me. It'll be good for Dr Yosano to know you have support other than me as well"

I just nodded, conscious of how awkward Bakugo must feel right now. I saw mum's mouth moving again, and felt a small chuckle from Bakugo, suggesting that something she'd said was funny. He looked to me with a smile, pulling me closer with his arm and glancing at mum, almost for post-action permission. God, he's the cutest...

Soon enough, we were sat in the car, making our way to the clinic. I sat in the front, Bakugo directly behind me, and my hand snuck down the side of the seat, met with his reassuring grasp almost immediately. He kept a hold of me the whole journey, leaving me with a smile that could last forever. Mum obviously noticed, but she couldn't exactly communicate with me while driving, so instead spent most of her time talking with Bakugo.

It was quite uncomfortable, knowing that two people you care deeply about are talking in your presence, and not knowing what exactly it is about. They could be talking about any manner of things right now, and I'd be none the wiser! For all I knew, the fucking wedding might've been planned, and we're off to the orphanage tomorrow to adopt quadruplets. I knew Bakugo had more sense than to agree to any of that, but I didn't put it past my mother to suggest it, at the very least.

Rolling up to the ever-familiar clinic, my anxiety spiked. As soon as we were out of the car, I latched on to Bakugo and didn't let go as we walked inside. He must've sensed it, as he gently kissed the top of my head and stroked up and down my arm, holding me close to him once again. To be honest, I had no idea what had gotten into me. Every other time I've been here, it's been so stupid and pointless, so there was absolutely no reason for today to feel different. It just...did. I felt an overwhelming pressure coming from inside the building, sucking me into an endless abyss. Bakugo was my rope, the one thing keeping me from slipping and falling forever.

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