Chapter 25: the contagious nature of loud blondes

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Katsuki Bakugo

Oi, brat-that-doesn't-ever-

What do you want

Dinner, tomorrow night!
Somewhere nice, we split it.

You invite me out for
dinner, then tell me I
have to pay. Why the
hell would I ever do

Because I am your mother,
and I want to see you.

Sucks! I've got no money!

Don't give me
that shit, we pay
all your rent, and you
have a job!

Correction, I've got no money
to waste on stupid shit.

Fine! I'll pay, just come!

Still no!

Oh, and bring your boyfriend,
I wanna meet him.

That makes me wanna
come even less!


So...he is your boyfriend?!

Thank you, your
confidence in me
is flattering


Can't really blame me Katsuki,
he is your first after all

What makes you think


Have you been keeping
things from me?

Like what?

Boyfriends, per se?


On what, exactly?

How many you know about

Oh my god

We'll discuss this over dinner.
Forget the restaurant,
come to our house.

Great, now I really
can't wait

If you don't show up, I'll tell your
boyfriend about every little
embarrassing thing you did
as a child. In fact, I'll
write them down for him!

...see you tomorrow

Love ya Kats x


Well...guess that's tomorrow sorted. There was no point in telling her I'd have to check if Shoto was free, she'd never listen to any excuse I got back with. I did send her a supplementary message saying that she'd have to keep her voice down all evening, and to tell Dad to do the same. That meant no wine, no gin, nothing! Just a nice, relaxing, non-alcoholic meal. Shoto would be awkward enough without her staggering around after half a glass. She was the terrible mix of lightweight and alcoholic, meaning she always ended up absolutely off her head whenever she started. It was usually Dad that kept her in check, the only time he would ever really interfere in...anything, really.

He was the parent I openly respected. My mother wasn't bad, and certainly had her uses, but she had a habit of getting on my nerves with barely any effort, and we spent a lot of our time distant from each other. Both of us were hotheads, of that there was no doubt, and two people with flaring tempers in the same room for a prolonged time can only end in screaming matches. My father knew this, hence the precautions.

Shoto seemed up for it at first, nodding with a lot more enthusiasm than I'd grown accustomed to over the past few days. Our nap had only lasted about 20 minutes, with Ponytail returning from god-knows-where and stealing Shoto from me for a little while. He returned with an unusual glow on his face, but never filled me in on what had made him so happy.

Despite the short nature of our nap, it was in fact a long time before we left the bed again. The next couple of hours were spent cuddling into each other, the occasional make-out session as we revelled in our time together. His lips felt almost familiar by now, as if my own were moulding around them, the soft press feeling more effortless each time. Occasionally I had considered trying to go a little further with him, but there was no need to rush, and it would be a lie to say I wasn't happy with the stage of our relationship. It's been two days, for fuck's sake!

By the time we knew it, nighttime rolled around, forcing us back into the bed I had become so accustomed to. Looking at my phone, I saw 27 identical texts from Shit Hair saying "where are you?", along with 5 missed calls. I simply sent him a middle finger back, showing him both that I was ok, and that I didn't want disturbed. He seemed to get the memo, not messaging again after seeing mine.

Shoto curled up into me, his head rested deep in my shoulder, a position he'd frequented throughout the afternoon. I wanted to make sure I stayed close to him, hoping with all my heart to dodge a repeat of this morning, and aiming for his comfort, first and foremost.

It wasn't long before my comfortable position took its toll on me, and with little effort I slipped off into sleep, Shoto still awake next to me.

Christmas morning.

We're sat underneath a giant tree in a room I don't recognise, snow falling outside a large window. Shoto is sat, wearing Santa slippers and a penguin onesie, and halfway through opening a present, wrapped in the shoddy was that resembles my handiwork.

I intently watch his face for his reaction as he pulls out the expensive pendant, something he'd remarked upon while we passed a jewellery store about nine months ago. The very next day, I'd been in and bought it, and had kept it hidden ever since.

He looks absolutely starstruck as he pulls it out and admires it, unable to wear it around the onesie, but delighted nonetheless. His amazement left a smile as wide as the ocean on my face, and the massive hug he gave me afterwards made it grow even more.

Life felt perfectly, slot right into place in this little world I had. There wasn't much more missing, and it was only when Shoto started on his final present from me that things really clicked. It came to me immediately that I knew what I'd wrapped there, and exactly why I'd had the hunch that he should leave that one until last. If he was starstruck by the last one, this one damn near broke him, tears of joy in his eyes as we embraced once again. A single piece of paper making him so happy would only make sense in this dream.

After all, he'd been nagging me to adopt for a while.

I just had the thought that Katsuki bought him a child for Christmas, I'm going to hell-

Fact of the Day: loud blondes flock like birds. That's a scientific fact.

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