Chapter 28: rawr

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Katsuki Bakugo

Oh my god...this was a bad idea. Introducing Shoto to my mother...FUCK, I should've seen this coming! I knew from the start they'd get along, but this?! At this rate, I'll be a fucking sideshow! That guilty glance he'd given me had broken my resolve of pulling him away, and I slumped back at the table, defeated. My Dad still sat there, just quietly listening to the chaos of the kitchen, Andre eventually broke the silence between us.

"You know...Shoto's a wonderful boy"

"Really? I hadn't noticed!"

"Katsuki, please, I'm being serious. Your mother and I like him very much, and have both told him so, and we think it's only fair that you know as well"

"Jesus, have you two coordinated this whole fucking evening?"

"Your mother's idea, I'm afraid. Nothing malicious behind it, she had a hunch she'd like him. And as you know-"

"Women are always right, I know, old man! Bit of a pointless message for me though, don't you think?"

"Absolutely not, it might help you respect your mother a little more"

"Somehow that seems unlikely, couldn't say why"

"Anyway, you get my point. We're very proud of you"

"For what? We love each other, it's not that I'm putting in more effort than him!"

"That's not what I said and you know it. Just...take the praise, please?"

"Ugh, whatever. Thanks, I guess"

Shoto came walking through just then, holding two bowls of what looked like a very nice dessert, something I'd only admit because he has a part in making it. It it'd just been the hag, this would look disgusting, but whatever. I..think Dad actually picked up on this as well, as the next thing he said just before Shoto left the room was something I regrettably agreed with.

"Well, I know for sure Mitsuki didn't do this, so..was this you?"

I was confused at first, to be honest, but looking down, I saw that the strawberries in my bowl had been carefully arranged into a little love heart, cream delicately drizzled both around and over it. Peering at Dad's, it looked like he'd gotten an M shape, again with perfect precision.

Shoto nodded in response to my father's question, a small embarrassed glint in his eyes. Dad was evidently confused about his precision, and asked as much of it, saying "how were you that delicate with them?!"

"M-my hand-eye co-coo-coordin-coordination is e-enhanced because of m-my lack of n-normal h-hearing"

"I see...well, thank you very much, it looks very nice"

He smiled at that little compliment, before turning and going back to the kitchen, assumedly to fetch his own bowl. Before he got back, I felt my father's eyes on me, and glanced over to see him giving me a knowing look, eyes staring right at my love-heart of strawberries. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity, before looking away, patiently waiting for at least Shoto to get here before I started eating.

Fortunately, he wasn't long. Unfortunately, he brought her with him. She had also received an M shape in her bowl, and winked at me when seeing the heart in mine, invoking another eye roll, almost involuntarily. Shoto had an S in his bowl, but it looked incredibly shoddy, so the hag must've been the one to do it. Quite how you could make an S look like a Q is beyond me, but she managed it. Shoto didn't complain, because of course he didn't, he's perfect, and we all dug in, enjoying our little end-of-meal treat. Right now, I had everything I wanted. A loving family, a loving boyfriend, a family that loved my boyfriend, a boyfriend that loved my was all just perfect. If this were some tragic teen angst movie, I'm sure everything would start going wrong around about now, but I was confident that it wouldn't, that I'd make the right choices. What those choices may be...who knows, but I was quite sure of one thing.

I want Shoto there when I make them.

After dinner, we all made our way back into the living room for a little more chat. The hag broke out the wine, which terrified me as always, but Dad shot me a knowing look and inched closer to her, poised to calm her down if necessary. Shoto was cuddled into my side by this point, shameless despite my parents' presence, my arm wrapped around him as well. He was a million times more confident that he'd been when we got here, and looked even more beautiful, if that were possible.

The chat for the rest of the evening was wholly unremarkable, just my parents talking about their work and sapping over how cute we are. Dad works for a company that specialises in costumes for kids, and his job is basically to wear a supersized version of all the outfits to see if they are good enough to be sold. The hag...she's an accountant. That little spec of knowledge might give you an insight into why I prefer him.

It wasn't long before Shoto started yawning into my shoulder, and I think all three of us noticed him struggling to stay awake. Thus, I excused us and we went up straits, hand in hand as I led the now zombie-like boy to the bed he so craved. He immediately flopped down onto it, and I joined him soon after, neither of us bothering to change, and he resumed his position curled up against me. I'd locked the door on the way in, because there is no way in hell I'm letting that HAG see us asleep together.

That...that would be too far.

So here's the question this a teen angst movie, or is it not? 😅

Fact of the Day: it's not, but it was going to be.

I'll explain in the final chapter 🙂

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