Chapter 4: young hearts get whatever they want

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Shoto Todoroki

Traffic. Yet another thing that terrified the living daylights out of me. Normal people might rely on hearing to identify whether a car was coming or not, but, for aforementioned reasons, I had little further aid to my eyesight. Yes, it was enough, but it meant that I couldn't just confidently stride out into the road and know that I wouldn't get hit.

Unfortunately for me, my house was quite significantly far away from campus, which meant that visiting mother was something reserved for every other Friday, usually just for a nice home-cooked meal. She spent most of her time alone nowadays, what with my two siblings gone and dad being dead. This and my siblings' crazy schedules left me to visit, sacrificing what little downtime I had. Didn't bother me too much, since we got along pretty well, but it was still inconvenient.

I knocked on the door, and mother's face appeared only a moment later. She greeted me first with a hug, signed "have you grown again?"

"You ask me the same thing every week"

"I know, I know, but it looks like you have. You won't fit through the door in a month's time!"

"I doubt that"

"Anyway, how's your classes been? Make any friends?"

"Of course you'd ask that. Yes mum, I have friends."

"Who? Do I know them?"

"You know Momo, that's it"

"Oh yes, she's a nice girl"

"Yeah. I met a girl called Mina today as well"

"Oh? What's she like then?"

"Pink hair, very excitable"

"Oh right...does she sign?"

"No, but she's probably gonna try and learn. She seemed eager to try it when I met her anyway"

"Well that's nice then........any boys?"

", why?"

"Nothing nothing, I'm just thinking your friend group is a little one-sided, that's all"

"Yeah well...there's a boy I want to talk to, but can't"

"Ok....tell me about him"

"His name is Bakugo, he's in my class, and he always seems to be kinda angry. I guess I want to ask him why..."

"....and? Is he attractive~?"

"....I mean, a little bit. I hadn't really thought about that but I guess he is. He's got kinda fluffy looking blond hair, and a resting scowl on his face"

"Well if you want to talk to him, you might as well just give it a go! Besides, he might want to talk to you too~!"

"...thanks mum" is what I said, but what I meant was "don't be stupid, I'm deaf"

Ugh, Mondays suck. I hope someone has written a song about that, and I hope it's good!

Class on Mondays always lasted about 18 hours, so when lunch finally arrived, I was exhausted. Turns out though, my ordeal wasn't done yet. I saw Momo and Mina sat together again, but this time they were joined by a redhead and a blond. It wasn't Bakugo, which disappointed me a little, but the guy was certainly smilier than Bakugo, and greeted me with one when I sat, close to Momo this time.

"This is Kirishima and Kaminari. They wanted to come and meet you" she told me, and I looked at them for a moment or so to see what I could come up with. For Kirishima, I went with "red", and for Kaminari, the best I could come up with was "lightening", based on the pin in his hair. They both seemed really excited to get them, so I figured Mina must have told them a few things.

I saw Kaminari talking to Momo, and she turned to me to sign "it's quite blunt, but he's asking how long you've been deaf. Shall I just tell him?"

I nodded, and she must've conveyed the information, as the two of them nodded in an understanding fashion. I got asked a couple of questions from Kirishima (more considerate than Kaminari's) such as "what kinds of things do you like doing?" or "what's your favourite food?"

Honestly, those questions were both better and worse. Better because it meant he didn't see me for my condition, but worse because I had to acknowledge that he didn't see it. I did, I always fucking did. How could I miss it? Just spit out a gargle of unintelligible sounds and sign "whoops, forgot I was deaf for a minute there!"

Still though, my bitterness didn't show, and I answered truthfully. In actuality, my mind wasn't completely focused on the two boys in front of me. The busy cafeteria made it pretty hard, but I managed to spot Bakugo stumbling around the cafeteria, clearly looking for someone. I looked to Momo and signed "bomb", the confusion on her face evident. Mina too was surprised, but got my message better, and stood to look the direction I was. She then smiled back at me and raised her hand, waving to the boy.

The scowl on his face grew wider as he saw her, and he angrily stomped over. He didn't seem to notice me as he shouted at her, his mouth gaping in the angry way it always did. Eyebrows furrowed, he looked down at the table for the first time, laying eyes on myself and Momo.

We locked eyes, though only for a moment, as he slumped down into his seat and started eating, not another word out of his mouth. Mina said something, and he glared back at her, so I figured it was strange. Momo tapped me, making me jump a little, before signing something I wasn't too sure I'd interpreted right.

"Mina teased him. Apparently, he's got his eyes on you"


Yahoooo! Lets-a go!

Fact of the Day: "I don't like Mondays" by the Boomtown Rats would be a good one for Todoroki's question.

The song is actually about a real life school shooting, but still-

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