Chapter 3: stop right there, criminal scum!

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Katsuki Bakugo

"Guys!!! I've just been speaking to Momo and that kid, and I found out a buuunch of stuff!"

"Oh cool! So...?"

"Well, first of all his name is Todoroki-"

"Don't care about any of this bullshit"

"Yes, thank you for your valued input, Bakugo. Anyway, the reason he's quiet is that he's deaf!"

"Holy cow, really? I feel kinda bad for calling him quiet now!" Shit Hair said, and I scoffed, masking the fact that I had no words myself. Why the hell did UA not think to tell us any of this?! I mean, it checked out, Aizawa's special moments with him after the explanation starting to make sense in my head, but why was I only finding this out now? I mean, it's not like it really matters to me, but it feels like something worth mentioning to us, for the sake of being respectful if anything. I might be an asshole, but I'm not bullying the disabled.

Except maybe Deku, stupid loser in his crutches. I fucking told him to avoid potholes in the road while riding his bike, but did the nerd listen? Of course he fucking didn't. It's his own fucking fault his leg has been rendered useless for the next few weeks, he broke it with his own stupidity.

But anyway, this kid, Todoroki or whatever, being deaf answered a hell of a lot of questions. It now made perfect sense why he didn't seem to pay any attention to the lesson, and the fact that he always dashed out of the room before the halls got too busy now felt like something I could understand. Shit, I almost feel bad for the fucker! Must suck to not have a clue what kind of worthless shit people say every single day.

Speaking of worthless, shit people:

"And Bakugo~!" Pinky said in a teasing tone, spiking both my fear and anger scales to unforeseen highs.

"What?" I practically spat at her, words dripping with loathing for her and her gossip.

"We were talking about you~"

"And? I know I'm fucking amazing, you don't need to tell me fucking twice!"

"As a matter of fact babes, it was him that asked. He even gave you a name sign!"

"A name sign? The fuck does that mean, it sounds stupid!"

"It meeeeeans that he gave you a nickname! So he doesn't have to spell your name out every time he talks about you! I got one too! See? See?" she did some weird action with her hand, pressing a finger to her lips, and I scoffed, faux annoyance on my face. Internally though, I was confused. Why the hell would some loser I don't know be talking about me often enough to give me a 'nickname?'

"...go on then fucknut, what is it?"

"Your sign? Ok, so...." she seemed to think for a moment, before making an even weirder notion, the action looking too stupid (performed by her at least) for me to take seriously.

"So? What's that mean?"

"Bakugo, this guy has never met you, and even he knows what you're like! That sign I just means bomb!"

The three idiots burst out laughing, and the quiet black haired one even spared a chuckle. I had as little patience for him as the others, his lack of input into any and all conversations pissing me off to no end. I, however, did not laugh at the occasion, instead turning a deep ruddy shade, causing the blond cackling to my left to remark that "you look like Kiri's hair!", which naturally ended as you'd expect. I was prevented from strangling him by Shit Hair, who had predicted my outburst and restrained me.

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