Chapter 14: ideals

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Katsuki Bakugo

My brain felt...weird. Like it's been crushed in a compactor and squished back into my head. He...he kissed me? Did I imagine that? No, no, I can't have, I can still feel the lingering pressure...but...did he? UGH! Why wasn't it easy to compute? Perhaps because I'm ill, that might make a bit of sense, but there was no other reason that I should be all that surprised...right?

He'd made it pretty obvious that he was into me, that wasn't the surprising part. The shock came a little more with the sudden kiss, just catching me off guard. I'd sort of expected to be the one to make the first move, so having that card be played for me felt a little bit strange. The boy's confidence seemed to fluctuate dependent on what he was doing, and he seemed remarkably comfortable when it came to me, which was nice.

It did mean that it was going to be hard for me to manage the dynamic. Naturally, I wanted the dominant role, but I'd already taken two losses in that regard, first being cared for, then the kiss. It was getting to the point where I was going to have to make my own move, wrestling back control. But...what, exactly? Picnic? Cinema? Restaurant? Theme Park? Dates are so hard, because I want to be creative with it, but was also unsure of whether he'd like my ideas! I think the first one should be kept pretty simple, so a picnic might be a good idea. It's late September, so it should be just warm enough for it.

The idea of seeing him again filled my stomach with all sorts of rampant feelings, and I steadily made my way to a vertical base, shuffling over to the kettle for coffee. Little did I realise, Shit Hair stood in his bedroom doorway, chuckling. I flipped him off, but he kept going, eventually saying "so...nice kiss~?"

Aw crap!

"Fuck off, I'm not interested in your shitty words"

"But you are interested in him~?"

"Yes, and what the fuck does it matter to you?"

"It doesn't, it's just weird seeing you in love, that's all"

"I'm not in love, asshole, it's more like a...fleeting interest that isn't going away"

" love?"

"No! A...deep regard for him and his safety"



I knew it! My best bro, in love!!"

"Shut up idiot, don't tell the whole fucking world!"

"Sorry bro, I'm just happy for you! I just walked in and saw him peck your cheek, I had to stop myself saying something!"

"Yeah, whatever. Doesn't change anything, you've still got class, and I've still got a fever."

"You're right, nothing changes. And yeah, I should probably go"

"Tell everyone to come here tomorrow night for project stuff!"

"Will do!!"

The door slammed shut, and I got back to making my coffee, an essential ingredient in my contemplation time. Now, the other ingredient was incredibly volatile, and was only effective some of the time, but was entirely necessary in this dire situation.

"...hey hag"

"Katsuki! This is a surprise! What's up?"

"Remember you said when I left to call you if I needed advice? Well, I need advice"

"Boy advice?"


"Ok...catch me up, what's been happening?"

"Ok, so we met on Monday, then got put in a group project task which we worked on together on Tuesday, then I've been sick since Wednesday morning, so-"

"Another fever?! You need to see someone Katsuki, it's too often!"

"I wasn't finished! He came to see me yesterday afternoon, and spent all night looking after me. After we'd fallen asleep on the couch watching a movie, he quickly kissed my cheek before running out"

"Oh my god! So...what part of this needs advice..?"

"A couple. One, I was thinking date on Sunday?"

"Sounds good. Something simple, don't scare him off"

...I hate how similar we are!!!

"Got it. And also...he's deaf."



" do you communicate?"


"Right...have you thought about learning some sign?"

"I know some basics, like thank you and shit...I guess I could try it"

"You should look online, find someone who knows it to help you"

"I think I have a better idea. Thanks hag"

"Don't worry. Come over for dinner s-" is where I cut her off, so I could plead innocent to the claim of an invitation. I already had a plan, and spent the rest of the day feeling much calmer, and more refreshed after a warm shower. By the time my plan was to be enacted, I was bordering excitement over it.

Knocking loudly on the dorm door, I saw exactly the face I'd expected, frowning exactly the way I'd expected. Ponytail immediately said "he's not here", so I said "I know, it's you I wanna talk to"

"Ok...come in I guess?"

I sat down on the sofa opposite her as she awaited an explanation. The room was much tidier than mine, a little bit of envy creeping in over the thought of having a tidy roommate live with me. I cleaned up perfectly well, it was all Shit Hair's stuff that lay askew on the floor. And my illness had left me unable to tidy it up till now.

"Bakugo, what do you want?"

"Oh, yeah. I'm here to ask something regarding Todoroki" I said, my best attempt at being formal to someone I didn't like.

"Ok...? He's told me about everything, so you don't need to"


"Can I...what?"

"...can you teach me to sign...please?"

My boy making an effort 🥲

Fact of the Day: A favourite HC of mine that Mitsuki Bakugo is a school councillor that is really aggressive with her opinions. Like, she gets so fired up with the stories that she just goes off the rails sometimes.

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