Chapter 26: embarrasing, but worse for him I bet

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Shoto Todoroki

Tuesday evening, almost time to head off to meet Katsuki's parents. It was a lie to say that I was anything resembling calm at the moment, hyper-stressing about what they expected me to wear, practically null to Katsuki's soothing comfort. He himself had just gone for a grey t-shirt and jeans, but he was their son, they'd expect that from him! I can't show up looking like I don't care at all, they'll be disgusted! Katsuki's incredulous, exasperated looks only stressed me out more, and by the time he softly said "look, you could show up dressed like a clown who'd been run over by a train and they'd still love you, ok?", I had decided what to do. I was going full...what's the phrase, 'balls to the wall'(?), and wearing something bold.

I shooed Katsuki out of my room so I could get myself changed, and he playfully stuck his tongue out at me as I closed the door on him. I ran on the soles of my feet, practically trotting back over to my wardrobe, pulling out the clothes I'd spied. I'd forgotten all kinds of grandeur I'd had of looking like a respectable gentleman "that would take such great care of your son", and was aiming more for a "hi, I'm his emo-punk boyfriend, nice to meet you" kind of vibe.

It wasn't a style I was particularly familiar with, and I had no real reason for suggesting it was a good idea for a mundane-sounding dinner, but I was out to make a statement. The black and white striped tee, the thin hoodie, left unzipped, the black skinny jeans and the single, small earring on my right lobe were all complimentary, taking me back to the late 90s in the time it took me to get changed.

The final touch was something I was a little more familiar with, but not a great deal. I didn't want to do too much makeup, just a tiny bit of eyeshadow to dray attention to my eyes, my proudest feature, and an almost unnoticeably thin layer of lipstick. Puckering my lips in the mirror, I was satisfied with the appearance of presented, bar one final detail. I turned on the tap, and dragged a wet hand through my hair, just once, letting it slip out of position and blend the two colours together. Most of it stayed back, but it was the four or five individual strands of hair that fell over my forehead that I was most happy with.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I went out to the living room to join Katsuki, who nearly dropped his phone when he saw me. He immediately came walking over to me, backed me into a wall for a passionate kiss, one that said he'd rather stay in than go to his parent's place. I kissed back, and we broke off with a gasp, air sparse in our lungs.

"We...we should go" he whispered, heaving in breaths and sounding as if he hated his own words. I decided to play coy, and sullenly nodded, as if I wanted to stay as well. It's not so much that I...didn't want to stay and...fool around with him, more that saying it aloud would make me want to jump off a cliff. Naked. Holding a puppy.

He caught the nod, and clearly had a little think about what he wanted more, but I was almost relieved when we made our way out the door. It went a long way in reaffirming his love for me, showing that he wasn't just after sex, but that it was relevant enough for him to consider. That helped, it really did, to know that I was more than a quick fuck-and-go.

Katsuki's parent's house turned out not to be too far away. He explained on the way over that they'd only just moved there, so he had very little affiliation with the place, just a spare bedroom in case he ever stayed the night for some unknown reason. It made sense, there was no point in having an entire room done for him if it was just to stay empty. Although, I was slightly disappointed at losing the prospect of seeing pictures of him as a kid, but I was quietly confident his mother would keep hold of a few. From what he'd told me, they were very similar, which immediately told me we'd get along. His father was described as a peacekeeper, idly going about his business and staying out of fights, but a lot livelier when caught alone.

Overall, I was actually quite excited to meet them. I'd they were anything like their son, I saw no difficulty in fitting in with the three of them. My one concern was that I was anxious about seeming overzealous, and had to curb my enthusiasm to appear somewhat respectable. My appearance oozed confidence, but I wanted my attitude to be genuine, sincere, unquestionably loyal to Katsuki.

We approached the house hand in hand, Katsuki giving me a slight squeeze before going up to the door. He knock very softly on it (so sweet!) and it was flung open seconds later. It almost looked as if Katsuki had been cloned, wore high heels, and stuffed pillows down his shirt, his mother and him were identical! She wrestled him into an aggressive looking hug, which he looked most displeased about, fixing his ruffled hair as soon as she released him. That did however dunk me in it, as she laid eyes on me for the first time, her rowdy smile turning more...professional? I audibly gulped as she walked over, extending a polite hand to me, and I accepted it, hearing her introduction.

"Hi Shoto, I'm Mitsuki Bakugo. It's lovely to meet you"

It was evident that Katsuki had told her to tone down her voice, which was a sweet gesture, but concerned me over the...zest of her. The handshake felt a little strange, and even Katsuki looked a little confused, before realisation hit both of us, myself a little more physically.

Mitsuki yanked me forward into the same hug I'd seen Katsuki fending off, and I swear my life flashed before my eyes, instincts threatening to take over as I got buried in her shoulder. Though she'd been a little haphazard, it wasn't rough, just firm and almost familial the way she embraced me. I caught a glimpse of Katsuki stood behind her, face buried in his hands with embarrassment. That made me feel a little better, and I gently pried myself out of Mitsuki's grip, and responded to her introduction.

"It's lo-lo-nice to m-meet you too"

"So polite! So polite, but you look so cool! Katsuki, you never told me that you had such a cool boyfriend!"

She got a low rumble in response, then a mumbled "fuck off", which she laughed at.

"Don't even start. I've got pictures of his father with hair like yours, Shoto!"

"Honey, please don't!"


I love writing Mitsuki, she's really fun to make absolutely chaotic

Fact of the Day: a young Masaru Bakugo as a punk rocker is all I need in life

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