Chapter 10: just a visit

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Shoto Todoroki

Thursday. A whole two days since I've seen Bakugo. His absence from class yesterday was explained away by Kirishima as "a bad headache", so I was hopeful he'd be back and as nice as ever today.

Unfortunately though, he was absent again. The day seemed to pass longer knowing he wouldn't be here, and I found my concentration on the work wavering, my thoughts drifting only to him. Russian history seemed like a different world right now, the blond taking up all my attention. His face was painted on my brain, wishing my body was painted on his.

I don't quite know when I ended up being so desperate for his attention, but that wasn't a concern. The eager way he had approached me had given me a subconscious confidence boost, so the idea of making advancements with him were no longer quite as scary as they were a few days back. Sure, I was still concerned, of course I was, but significantly less so. I wasn't panicking anymore, and I think a major part of that was our interaction on Tuesday.

He hadn't once mentioned me being deaf. It might seem trivial, but it's really nice to hear when people don't make a big deal of it. It makes me feel just the same as them, and even though I might never tell them that, it helps me trust them so much more. It was ok with Momo, since she meant no harm, but it was always a worry meeting new people. It was relieving to know that Bakugo was someone I could trust, especially if I was planning to get a little more...involved with him.

God, I hope I haven't read something wrong. He seemed like he was interested, but of course there's the chance there's been a mistake. I don't think so though...Momo seems to believe the same, but that might be just to keep me happy...uuughhh, it's hard to not know! I wish people's feelings just appeared over their heads with big neon signs that pointed at the emotion of the moment! Life would be so much easier then!

Yearning for things constantly was making me hungry, so after grabbing my usual meal, I joined Momo on our table, lunch going surprisingly uneventful today.

"So...are you gonna go see him or what?"

"Who? Bakugo?"

"No, Jesus!"

"Funny. And...yeah, I was thinking about it"

"I know. I can practically see you longing for him."

"You make it sound like I haven't seen him in years"

"You look like you haven't! Like a dog waiting for it's owner to come home"

"Thank you, for the animal comparison"

"You know what I mean! Look, I think you should! He'll really appreciate that, especially if he's not well"

"Yeah....ok, fine. I'll go at the end of lunch"

"Good. Enjoy yourself!!!"

"Yeah" I signed, before taking my leave and heading off towards the dorms. I saw Kirishima leaving the building with Kaminari out the corner of my eye, which was a helpful clue for me that Bakugo was alone. The redhead didn't seem to see me, so that avoided any unwanted questions for later on, a godsend for my confidence. While I was fine with Bakugo, other people were still mysteries.

Speaking of the blond, I made sure to knock a few times before opening the door to the dorm. It was quite unexpectedly open, as if I'd been expected, but Kirishima just probably forgot to lock it. I had a quick scour, but Bakugo was nowhere to be found in the rooms I'd previously seen. I wandered through the house, landing on what I guessed was his bedroom. Knocking again, I made my presence known as I pushed open the door, and saw him lying there, tucked up beneath the sheets.

He looked awfully ill, sweat heading from under the soggy flannel on his forehead, smiling weakly at me. He waved a weary welcome, then broke out into a coughing fit. He reached for a cup of water, but I got there first, gently tipping it as he drank. He reached and grabbed his notebook himself, turning the page and offering me a pen.

"How are you feeling"

"Like the devil himself took a shit all over me"

"Jeez..know how you caught it?"

"Probably from that idiot, he was sniffling all day on Monday"

" you want some food? I can make something if there's anything in...?"

"Uhhh....maybe just some soup? There should be some tomato in the top right cupboard"

"Got it. Anything else?"

"No, that's enough thank you"

"No problem. I won't be long"

I rushed out of the room, leaving the sick boy there. It didn't take long to get a piping bowl of soup back to him, along with a towel to rest it on. He had sat up in preparation, and looked awfully tired as he rested his head on the wall behind him, the weak smile still on his face. I lay the towel over his lap, pressing a hand to his now exposed forehead. It was still damp, but I could feel his fever raging through it, and no sooner than I'd removed my hand he coughed again, his body convulsing back and forth.

I snaked a hand behind him and gently pat his back, and the coughing subsided soon after. I rested the soup on his lap, and filled the spoon with a hefty amount, raising it to feed him. He gave me a "really?" look, so I shrugged and lowered the spoon. He tried to pick it up himself, but his hands were shaking like crazy, and he wouldn't be able to eat without covering himself in the hot soup. He conceded, handing the spoon back to me. Before taking it, I signed "crybaby" to him, and he pouted, either in confusion or annoyance, but looked expectantly down at the spoon,

I gave him what he was after, cautiously lifting the hot broth to his lips. He accepted it, calm washing over his fever-flushed face. After I'd dipped the spoon down for more, he very slowly reached a hand to his chin, signing "thank you" again. I smiled at him, wiping his forehead with the flannel briefly. He said something as I did, but I wasn't looking at his lips, so I don't know what it was.

I did know that I'd felt it though. It was even deeper than last time, which made sense, he probably had a sore throat from his illness. It didn't matter though of course, I could still vibrations flowing through me from him, even through the flannel. Despite the cloth obstruction, one thing became very clear, and I could help but confuse him, signing my feelings in the moment.

"Bakugo...your voice is beautiful"

Ooooooh, I said the fic name! fic name!

Fact of the Day: I mean, Shoto could go see Jesus-

Your voice feels beautiful ~TodoBaku~Where stories live. Discover now