Chapter 16: duly, a fabulous day

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Katsuki Bakugo

I don't know exactly what it was, but as soon as I signed my question, I got the one response I wasn't quite ready for. I'd expected either disgust or overwhelming happiness, but...laughter? It was a strange, croaky sound he made, his exhales irregular as he grasped the notepad from me

"That was awful! Here, let me help"

He reached out and grabbed my hands, which were still slightly shaking with nerves, perhaps even more given my confusion right now. He took me through the signs of just done, except I noticed a couple were in a different order. He nodded at me as an instruction to try again, and I did, the order he had told me. This time, he nodded with a happy smile and signed a single word, one that Ponytail had taught me.


I breathed a sigh of relief, and got the notepad to write "I spent ages practicing that! What did I say?"

"You said 'can date go on we?'"

"Damn that friend of yours, I swear I did it right!"

" went to Momo? Just to learn that for me...?" he said, an incredulous look on his face. The look made me blush, and I looked away, not wanting him to see the red wave of embarrassment on my face. Unfortunately, he did, and tried to cup my cheek to turn my head to him, the ripple of giggles seeping through me, infecting me and leaving me laughing as well. As I was, he seized the opportunity to wrap his arms around me and cling to my side, hugging into me as I gently lay back on the bed. He wrapped a leg over one of mine and cuddled into my shoulder, making the next thing I had to do agonising. I tapped his shoulder gently and pried him off me, gesturing to the door. We had to get back to the idiots, or they'd come searching.

With all due respect to Todoroki, the last thing I wanted was for us to be found out immediately. It wasn't a pride thing, nor shame. It was simply because I hadn't had time to ask him yet how he would feel about it, and I didn't want to set us off to a bad start. There was less risk in keeping it quiet than there was in telling absolutely everyone with no second thoughts, so it was a matter of respect that compelled me to keep it on the low.

Just before we rejoined the idiots, I signed another phrase that ponytail had taught me, and it seemed like she'd been honest about this one as least.

"Are you free tomorrow? 12 o'clock?"

"Yes" he signed again, before simply coming in and hugging me again. I mimicked a sign he'd done to me a few days ago, signing "beautiful" after Ponytail had told me what it'd meant. She'd had a great time teasing me with how much she knew, and I'd had half a mind to just walk out, but there was no other way I'd be able to impress Todoroki without her, so had to endure. It seemed like she'd been mostly honest with everything she had taught me, so I had that to be..slightly grateful for.

"No, you're beautiful"

"No, you're beautiful"

"WE are beautiful" he signed, and I chuckled. As soon as I did, he nuzzled back into me, and I had to grab the notepad to say "you like the vibrations, right?"

"Yeah, a lot. It's the closest I have to sound"

"Well you can have as much as you want now. Well..not exactly now, because we have to go, but you get it."

"Yeah...ok, let's go"

We made our way back into the room where our project team sat, doing fuck-all work. As soon as they saw me, they scrambled to get something ready, and presented a full side of notes. This was a pleasant surprise, and I held off murdering any of them, for now at least. Taking out my laptop, I loaded up our presentation and keyed in all the information, somewhat proud of my not-so-hopeless idiots.

As soon as I was finished, I set about making them all leave. Sero took no asking, and darted off as soon as he got chance. It was going to be a lot harder getting Mina and Kaminari out though, the former acting like she was three bottles of vodka down, and the other sulking about because his boy-toy hadn't shown up.

It took maybe 10 minutes, and significant threats to life before they left, Kaminari still sulking like a baby. I rolled my eyes as he passed me with a pout, Mina's one woman party train dancing out behind him. I practically had to shove her out, and slumped against the closed door as Shit Hair and Todoroki exchanged humoured glances.

The two of them collectively helped me up, and after Shit Hair had let go, Todoroki let me slump against him. I tried to pull away, conscious of Shit Hair's presence, but Todoroki gave me a little hand signal, not actual ASL, but just telling me to leave it. I interpreted it as "it's fine, I trust him", so accepted his grasp, speaking to Shit Hair as I did.

"He said he trusts you, so you'd best be fucking quiet about this, got it?" I said, feeling Todoroki nuzzle into me as I spoke. Shit Hair nodded furiously, confirming to me that he wouldn't mention this to anyone. To be fair, I expected it from him anyway, but that wasn't worth admitting. Just before it was time for Todoroki to leave as well, I decided to return his favour from yesterday, gently pecking his cheek as he walked out the door. My stomach churned about tomorrow, and I assumed he felt somewhat the same, nerves and excitement making some concoction of energy that created confusing feelings about the events of tomorrow.

All I knew was that I wanted it perfect

I love the idea of Momo intentionally teaching Bakugo the wrong things to give Shoto a laugh 😌

Fact of the Day: Mina smuggled some Vodka into Bakugo's room, and left with about a third of it 😬

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