Chapter 6: look, he's pretty, ok?!

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Shoto Todoroki


I'm touching him!

The blond haired boy I'd been so strangely interested in was gripping my arm, even after he'd spoken to let me try and simulate his voice. He turned out to be pretty sweet, which had me wondering if he was like this with his friends. Maybe I was wrong about him being aggressive and scary. All he's shown me in the last ten or so minutes was that he was curious, and seemed polite enough. He wasn't making too much eye contact with me, but I put that down to the fact that we were communicating by writing.

He waved a little goodbye as he left for his friends, and my stomach suddenly felt...kind of funny. It was almost like I was objecting to him leaving, my body angry with my mouth for not making him stay. Of course, my body got angry at my mouth a lot, for reasons not worth repeating again. But this was different. This wasn't so much "oh shit, I can't talk to him", it was more "oh shit, I can't get him to stay with me longer"

The feeling left me questioning a few things. Yes, I knew I was gay, and yes, I knew Bakugo was attractive, but my mind was still conflicted. I was having the internal conflict over whether he was actually as angry as I'd assumed, or whether I had the wrong idea. If I was correct, would that mean he was only being nice to me? Would that mean he likes me too? Ugh, it's too much of an emotional rollercoaster for a Monday, I need to get back to my dorm.

Classes ended every day after lunch, something Aizawa had told me was "to do with his sleep schedule". I hadn't pressed further, since I didn't mine. Getting out of school at half one everyday was a godsend, always leaving me with plenty of relaxing time.

As I opened the door, I was surprised to see Momo already there. As soon as she heard me, she turned around and pulled me to the couch, not giving me a chance to sign a question to her. She sat opposite me, staring at me until I eventually got bored and signed "what is it?"

"Don't play dumb! How was your time with Bakugo~?"

"Oh fuck off, it was fine. He just asked a few questions then let me hear his vibrations, nothing too special"

"He what? Shoto, Bakugo doesn't do kindness very well. He must really like you if he didn't get angry at all!"

"You think he likes me?"

"Yeah...why? Do you like him~?"

"...I'm not sure. He was nice to talk to, and I kind of wish he'd stayed a little longer."

"Shoto, you're definitely crushing on him~!"

"Look, he's pretty, ok?! Can you really blame me?"

"Uhhh, yeah! No disrespect on your man, but he's not exactly...calm all the time"

"First of all, fuck off. Second, he seemed pretty nice to me, so I don't have an issue. He also said I could listen to his voice whenever I wanted."

"Are you sure we're talking about the same Bakugo?"

"Sounds like maybe not....blond spiky hair, crimson red eyes, gorgeous face-"

"Ok, that's enough, princess. I'm sure Prince Charming will be sweeping you off your feet someday soon."

"Even if I can't speak to him?"

"...look, I don't know exactly how Bakugo thinks, but it sounds like you two have something, so don't worry about speaking to him. Besides, I don't think I've ever heard of him being calm, so you're doing something right"

"I'm actually're right, god, I have a crush on him already!"

"Called it! You're so easy to read Shoto!"

"...thanks Momo"

"Don't worry about it, it's why I'm here"

And she was right. I was very quickly falling for the blond boy, and was in no position to deny it any further. I didn't want to lie about how much I wanted him next to me forever, no matter what we did. I didn't care if I could hear or not, all I needed was him.

This was the beginning of "operation Bakugo", a name Momo as a title on a piece of paper designed to help me keep notes on him. All that was there so far was:

Hothead (?)
Nice to me
Fucking beautiful
Relatively deep voice
Mean to others (?)

Not much, but a decent start. And it was sure to be expanded soon. I planned to try and get some more alone time with him tomorrow, perhaps at lunch again, or maybe during class. Aizawa had previously told me something relating to an upcoming group activity that I could sit out if I wanted, and at the time I'd accepted the offer, but now...if I could get in Bakugo's group, it would give me plenty of time to get to know him!

Yeah! I'll talk to Aizawa about that tomorrow, and hopefully I can end up with Bakugo and some of the others. That would be the absolute best case scenario for me, and I looked forward to the possible rewards of it. Staring up at my bedroom ceiling, familial silence clouding me, my head filled with thoughts of him. His subtle smile when I started writing longer replies, his willingness to let me feel his noise, and his reluctance to let go of me..all of it made me crave more.

It made me crave the hugs he looked like he'd be good at, made me crave my head resting on his chest as we watched some shitty movie, made me crave waking up to him in bed with me and tickling him awake. Just in general, I craved him near me, his warmth, his touch...

And his voice

Fun-to-write story go brrrrr

Fact of the Day: holyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuck has a habit of being something I've written in almost every single one of my fics-

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