Chapter 12: ideally, just me and you

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Shoto Todoroki

I felt a slight increase of pressure on my shoulder, just as the film was getting to the end. The big twist had been revealed, and I did a mental fist pump, seeing as my prediction had been right. Looking over, I found the source of that increased pressure, and it nearly took my breath from me. Bakugo, slumped further against my shoulder, his fever-ridden skin hot and red, fast asleep.

My heart had nearly stopped when I'd rested on him, but now that our roles had reversed, I felt strangely more relaxed. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, resting well despite his illness. There was no way in hell I'd ever be able to get him back to bed, so I had no choice but to leave him here, and didn't have the heart to wake him up by moving.

Thus, I found myself relaxing back against the couch, turning the television down to zero so it didn't wake him, still watching the subtitles of the movie, which was now just about to fade to black. I tried to move as little as possible as I shifted on the couch, gently leaning his head back against the arm of it and laying to sleep myself. Unsure of where to rest my head, I cautiously lowered myself towards his chest, curling my legs behind me and using his torso as a pillow. It was remarkably comfortable, despite the heavy breathing he was doing.

If he awoke, he showed no signs of it, so I kept my head on him, feeling sleep begin to grasp me as well.

Katsuki Bakugo

Ooooooow! My head feels like someone set off a nuke in there! In the hazy light of what seemed like early morning, I couldn't quite make out the weight on my chest, but memories of last night told me it was Todoroki. He was still asleep, just as cute a face as I remembered, even in the pitch black.

I nearly screamed when I saw a dark figure enter the room, but the stupid hair outline told me who it was. Why the fuck it was still spiked up this early in the morning was beyond me, but that wasn't at all important. He came over with that trees mark shit eating grin, gesturing towards me and Todoroki, more so the latter.

"Hey bro! Have a...good night~?"

"No idiot, I'm sick. He's been keeping me company and looking after me, that's all"

"Mhmmm...if you say so. Y'know, if there's something you need to talk about-"

"Just fuck off, please?"

"Ok, ok. No funny business though, he's innocent!"

"What would you know?" I muttered as he left the room, more pissed off with him than ever. All of that anger seemed to evaporate into nothingness when I felt Todoroki begin to stir. He seemed pretty clueless about his surroundings, and hugged into me like I was his pillow. I saw a glint of confusion in his eyes, then the sudden realisation of where he was almost had me cackling in laughter. He looked up at me with a beet-red face, and I couldn't resist a chuckle, which earned me a small pout. He sat himself up and off me, reaching for the notepad on the coffee table by the couch we'd slept on.

As he did, he yawned, stretching his hands well above his head. As he did, his shirt began to ride up his stomach, showing me a surprisingly defined sight. It should've been pretty obvious from his lean arms, but it was most certainly a pleasant surprise to see he had a six-pack, his attraction meter threatening to break my chart at this point.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by him gesturing for me to take the notepad. I did so, reading what he'd written.

"Feeling any better?"

"A little bit. Head still pounding, but otherwise I feel pretty ok"

"That's good, you should be back before class on Monday"

"Yeah. I'll arrange with the idiots to get this project done, maybe on Sunday?"

"Yeah, that sounds pretty good. I'll be busy tonight, so that works"

"Something special?"

"Opposite, actually. Weekly dinner with Mum"

"Fair enough, can't be easy going every week though"

"It's cool, I get it. I'm her last chance to see a child in school, so this was always gonna happen"

"Still though, kinda rough. Any particularly hard moments?"

"Sometimes. But that doesn't matter, it's you with the fever, remember?"

"You've done such a good job caring for me, I feel much better"

"Oh please, what have I done? Helped you eat a bit, and got a movie on, which I fell asleep to!"

"That's a lot more than anyone else would do. Thank you."

"It's fine, it really wasn't much!"

"Still though. I get sick like that a lot, and nobody ever really sticks around to help, but you have. That's why I'm saying thank you."

"That happens a lot? How much?"

"About every six weeks or so, each one slightly worse than the last"

"Bakugo, that's definitely not good! You should probably see a doctor about that!"

"I might, when I get chance"

"Please do, I'll worry if you don't"

"You should probably worry about getting back to your dorm, it's nearly morning"

"Oh shit, yeah!" He wrote, darting up and gathering his things. He hadn't come with much, just a small backpack with water and books in it, so once he'd scooped that up, he came over to me again.

This time though, he didn't take the notepad. He just gently lay down his bag on the floor, and did a sign with his hands. It was another unfamiliar one, splaying his fingers and waving his arm over his face in an arc shape. It was probably something to do with faces, but I had no idea, so just lay there waiting more. He smiled down at my confusion, before he decided to make it even worse, holding a hand out in a fist, then extending his pinky finger, his index finger, and his thumb. He looked me right in the eyes as he did, his hand shaking a little, before he concluded that I didn't understand. He reached out to wipe my forehead again, gently cooling me with the flannel, and while he was crouched beside my head, I turned on my side towards him.

Our eyes locked, the world shining in his, mine drowsy with tiredness. Suddenly though, I was wide awake, as I felt a small pressure on my cheek, only there for maybe half a second, but it was long enough for me to know what exactly it was. Todoroki was quickly making his way out of the door, but I hardly noticed, my world rocked at the moment. There was no doubt about it...

...he kissed me.

God I haven't slow burned like this in a while! I've gotten used to "some get together, then MULTIPLE OOC SEX CHAPTERS"

Fact of the Day: the first sign Todoroki did was for "beautiful". The man is many things, but he is not a liar.

If you don't know what the second sign of the book looks like, check the cover picture 👀

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