Chapter 8: project

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Katsuki Bakugo

Ok, it's happening

It's happening

It's happening now


God, I didn't know whether to start laughing, or stick my head in a blender. I was restless, totally unsure why, and it was only the presence of Shit Hair that kept me from totally losing my cool. He could obviously sense that something was off with me, and the inevitable questions came shortly after.

" ok? You seem kinda off"

"I'm fine idiot"

"You sure...?"

", but shut up anyway"

"Bro, if something's wrong, just say, it's ok!"

"Yeah whatever. Todoroki will be here soon, so just shut up about it"

"Whatever you say..." wasn't so much that I didn't want to see Todoroki right now, it was more...I didn't want to see Todoroki right now....if that makes sense? I didn't want to see him while Shit Hair was around because that would mean I had no chance to properly converse with him, at least about things I'd actually like to, rather than this stupid fucking project.

As if right on cue, a very loud knock on the door rung out, and Shit Hair dashed up to open it. He came back in with Todoroki a few seconds later, and I immediately patted the seat next to me at the table, placing the familiar notepad and pen between us as he sat. Shit Hair sat on my other side, and Todoroki passed me the notes he has made earlier. They neat, so concise, and had everything we needed and more in there, but were still easy to copy up.

I quickly scribbled down a "thank you", to which he caught me off guard by writing "I can show you how to sign that, it's pretty easy", before holding a flat hand to his chin and moving it towards me. He then pointed at me, and I mimicked his action, as did Shit Hair. He gave us both a thumbs-up, before writing "so, what do you want me to do?"

"If you could find a template you think fits our presentation that would be great. I don't think there's really much more we can do except get this stuff copied up for tonight"

"Ok, how about the blue, white and red one. The colours of the Russian flag, and also the two on the Japanese one as well"

"That's perfect, we'll do that"

"What do you want me to do, bro?"

"Uhhh...water, two cups of"

"You got it!" He said, walking out of the dorm to the floor's communal kitchen area. As soon as he was gone, I turned to start working on copying stuff up onto the empty slides, but stopped as I felt a strange pressure on the top of my head, moving my hair around. I looked at Todoroki to see him fucking patting my hair, admiring how it bounced on my head because of its volume.

I waved a hand in front of him to snap his attention back to me, and he immediately pulled his hand away. Smiling awkwardly, he wrote "sorry, it's just...fluffy" , and my heart nearly melted. What the hell is going on with me?! His stunning eyes darted around as I admired him, only meeting mine for a few nanoseconds before he got nervous and looked away. I eventually wrote "it's fine, don't worry about it" and continued typing, feeling my face blush.

Damn...I'm really down bad for this kid, huh? It didn't seem to clear to me at first, but the lurching in my stomach was giving it away now, making it painfully obvious that I had a crush on the boy sat next to me. I mean, why wouldn't i? He's fabulous to look at, so so kind and incredibly helpful! All the things I'm most certainly not, felt to me he's interested as well.

He was definitely very hands-on, that's for sure. Even if he isn't interested, touching my hair was a bold move! Nobody who knew me well would even dare to think about touching me, be honest, I didn't mind - another tell that I was crushing on him.

My back was beginning to get stiff from the cheap wooden chair in the dorm, so I picked up my laptop and moved the two of us over to the couch. Todoroki sat close next to me, holding the notes for me to copy, while Shit Hair (who had returned with the water by now) sat in the single-seater just across from us, giving us absolutely 0% input. That wasn't so much my main concern at the moment though, and neither was the project in general. That was actually Todoroki, whom I'd noticed was evidently very tired, as the page he held kept wavering as he presented it to me.

Soon enough, my predictions came true, and he slumped back onto the couch, his eyes closing and his breathing steadily reaching a slow rhythm. If he wasn't so goddamn adorable, I might just be angry at him, but instead I just took the page and copied it with one hand, Shit Hair's confused glances meaning nothing to me. Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him, and he asked "dude, something must be wrong with you. If that were Kaminari, you'd be furious!"

"Yeah well, I dislike Kaminari. Todoroki is not someone I dislike"

"You? Not disliking someone? Sorry, I don't think I understand"

"Shut up. This guy isn't an idiot like the rest of you, so he's ok"

...that was more than a lie. During that statement, the sleeping boy had shifted and was now slumped clumsily against me, his head resting strangely on my shoulder. I hadn't even acknowledged it until Shit Hair pointed it out, and it took all my resolve not to leave him there.

I really really really wanted to just let him sleep, but I still needed to type, plus it was a little weird with Shit Hair here. Speaking of the redhead, I flipped him off before gently prying Todoroki away from me, letting him sleep while I copied the final paragraph of the day. As soon as I'd saved it, I gently shook the boy awake, making sure I'd be in his sight when he opened his eyes so he knew where he was.

I showed him the pre-written message that said "that's everything finished now", and he wrote back "how long was I asleep?"

"About..5 minutes?"

"Right..I'm sorry, I must be tired..."

"It's ok, it doesn't matter. Like I said, it's all done, so you can go back and rest in your room now. Oh, and..." I paused, letting him read as much as I'd written, before raising a palm to my chin, and signing the only phrase I knew:

"Thank you."

Guys, I did quite well in my history essay! 17/25 is pretty good for my second of the year. 😌

Feels bad for Kiri, awkward third wheel vibes

Fact of the Day: Bakugo never once makes reference to Todoroki being deaf when he talks about how he's crushing on him. Good boi being good. 😊

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