I feel my sanity start to fade,
I throw my fists into the wall,
Scratching senseless words into my notebook,
Hoping they could make sense aloud.
Instead, I feel the anger rising,
I punch the wall again, staring
At my bloody knuckles,
Knowing that they're broken
But at the moment, I really don't care,
The pain just make the rage worse.
I break everything, never seeming to
Satisfy this bloodlust controlling me.
There must be destruction, and the
physical pain is far better than the emotional.
The mental pain is what sends me to my knees,
Breaking and sobbing.
What am I supposed to do?
Pretend that I'm not broken, say I don't care?
I trusted you! I loved you! I gave you everything!
My body, my heart, my soul, everything was yours!
And you still betrayed me!
Why?! Why would you do this?!
I need to know! I don't understand!
Everything! And still you chose her!
You cheated on me, then lied when I caught you!
I wish I were numb or blind,
I almost accepted your excuses!
But I am nobody's fool,
No matter how much I love you.
I refuse to do this, I refuse to make excuses.
I won't stand and pretend I don't see.
So leave right now, before I hurt you,
Before the pain and anger get too strong.
You run away, like the coward you are,
Leaving me to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart.
Instead of stitching it back together,
Like I normally would, I throw it away,
Choosing to be cold and heartless.
It's better than the pain, the lost hope,
Better than sitting around crying,
Wishing for death to take me away,
Bribing him with bottles of alcohol.
Better than the constant throb,
Now I'm just hollow and cold,
Freezing anyone who tries to stay close.
I am ice and fire together, cold thoughts, hot hatred.
So here is my heart, or what I could find.
Feel free to keep the pieces to remind you
How you broke me, the way I died,
Knowing it was your fault.
I'm alone and cold and heartless,
But I'm no longer in pain.
And that should be better,
Musings of the Insane
PoésieThis is more or less a sequel to Nightmares, only this one will mostly be freestyle poetry. The same warning applies to this one. Also, if easily triggered, do not read, please. Thanks and enjoy.