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I have to pick a person that inspires me,

Someone I look up to,

and write why I look up to them.

I'm really not sure who to write about,

because there are so many I used to

look up to,

who let me down.

My dad used to be so strong,

if a little harsh.

But his new girlfriend turned him into

a blubbering, pathetic mess.

My mom is amazing, beautiful, and kind,

but she was never strong enough to guard her heart.

She was always hurt, me comforting her.

My teachers hated me,

because I was an outcast and a troublemaker.

Celebrities never seem real,

with their expensive clothes and make-up.

Who else is there?

I want someone to look up to,

I really do.

But all I need is myself,

because no one else can show me the way.

Because no one else is

strong enough...

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