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I think back on all my mistakes,
The wrong turns I made,
The words I've said,
The times I cried.
I look in the mirror in disgust.
I hate the way I look.
I want to just
Fade away
And disappear.
But then I glance at a picture,
Taken long ago,
That makes me smile
Despite the tears still in my eyes.
A picture of us under the stars,
Me in a dress, you in a tux,
At prom.
It's a little blurry around the edges
Because the friend who took it
Was busy laughing and cooing
Over us
Because you chose the moment
The camera went off
To lean close to me
And plant a kiss on my cheek.
But that was months ago,
And you are gone,
Just as I knew you would be.
It still hurts,
From time to time,
But the picture gives me hope
That someday I'll find love again,
And that next time it will last
I glance at the picture one last time
Before turning out the lights.
Who would've guessed that
So much hope
Could come from something
as simple as a

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