My Pain

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You hold my hand

and try to comfort me.

You tell me to put down the blade,

that I don't need to do this.

I look at you, disgusted.

What makes you think you can

just talk about it like it's nothing?!

Like this is just a call

for attention?!

I never asked for your help,

I never wanted it.

You are useless.

Who do you think you are to

judge me?!

Who are you to decide what I need?!

Of course you think you know best.

But this isn't your pain.

It's mine.

So go away!

I don't want you here,

smiling at me like you care.

Because soon you will realize

that I'm a lost cause,

and you will leave.

So just go before I hurt you, or

disappoint you.

Leave me here, alone,

with my pain.

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