Chapter 11

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"Ella, don't you think he ought to know now. We might be wrong, he can be... different from others. You know, if things comes to worst we would keep fighting! Don't you want your child to have a father? You know what it's like to grow up without a father, right? I don't want my grandchild not to have a father too. Just tell him. Is that alright? Besides, your belly would grow even bigger soon, how would you hide that?"

"Ma, don't you think I've thought of that? I know he was a great person in high school, but what if he changed? You're right, I do want my child to have a father and my stomach would grow bigger soon... Ma! What am I going to do? Maybe he would buy it if I said it wasn't his!"

"Jia Hua, How dumb do you think he is?!"

Well, he was dumb enough to go to their house every single day for a week just to wait for answers he knows nothing about. It was just a gut feeling on his side.

The Chen family was feeling guilty, they had witnessed him wait there from morning till afternoon. He wasn't there at night time but it was evident he was doing his job at that time, not being able to sleep at all. He had panda eyes and one would just feel he had lost all his energy; Mrs. Chen was nice enough to have Lu give him food for breakfast and lunch.

Aaron was feeling annoyed with him. The first day that he was outside their house, Lu had to stop him from giving him another black eye. He really hated rich people, especially him.

"Fine," Ella said and stood up from their living room chair. "I give up; I'm telling him what he needs to know. I can't stand looking at him like that; if he keeps this up he might just die! What a stubborn person! So troublesome!"

"Just like you." Mrs. Chen added with a smile. She thought Chun wasn't a bad person. Although she was also afraid of losing her grandchild, she wanted it to have a father. She still doesn't know whether it was a boy or a girl.

"Aiyoo, you just have to add that didn't you?" Ella said as she headed outside their house.

Chun was just standing there waiting for the lunch he knew he was getting for free. Yes, he had thought of giving up, but when they had started giving him free food, he felt a surge of hope had overtaken him. He loved Mrs. Chen's home cooked meals. It was what had given him strength to go on, despite his exhaustion.

He noticed someone come out of the house, he thought it was Lu, the person who usually gave him his food but never failed to tell him to get lost. He didn't mind it though, but he always thought of why they didn't call the police on him. He really wanted Aaron to be arrested for assaulting him; however his evident black eye had faded away already. Therefore, he was thankful they didn't call on the police.

He noticed who the person was, the person he had been wanting to see.

The person he wanted answers from... Ella.

He plastered a huge smile on his face. 'I won! I finally won! I'll finally know their secret! I'll finally know why that punk attacked me!'

'What the hell is this guy smiling about?' Ella thought as she marched right in front of him full of confidence.

"I always get what I want." He unintentionally said out loud.

Ella only rolled her eyes at what he just said. She was pretty sure it just slipped, but he was pretty confident. Was he sure he was ready to know he was going to be a father? With a person like her?

She sighed. She didn't know how to start. She could feel her confidence seem to be draining from her body.

"D-do y-you remember what happened nearly three months ago?" she started and saw him nod. She sighed again. "Okay, I'm going to get to the point," she said.

He was listening attentively with his arms crossed against his chest, looking down at the small, demure lady. 

Some time had passed and Ella continued what she was saying, "I... uhmm.....We...I mean...You...errr...We.....are...." she really didn't know how to tell him.

"She's pregnant." They both heard someone say, "And you're the father."

Ella turned to the side and was surprised to see Aaron, she was grateful though, because she couldn't tell it to Chun by herself. Aaron had been standing there for quite some time but Ella and Chun seemed to be in their own world that they didn't even notice him until he opened his mouth to talk. Ella looked at Chun's reaction.

Chun was speechless, he even had he's mouth open; he honestly didn't see it coming. He was maybe too occupied to even think about the possibility. For almost three months, he had virtually forgotten that night of their reunion. He was heartbroken because of Angela and invested most of his time doing work.

 "So what are you going to do now? Huh? You got the guts to stubbornly wait outside so they would pity you and finally get what you want! Now! You got your answers, what are you going to do?"Aaron challenged.

Chun was still in shock and couldn't get his self to do anything. He could only stand there like a statue.

"Aaron" Ella whispered. "Let's go."

Based on Chun's reaction, she thought that any minute now he was going to faint. She also knew the answer she wanted to know. 'Does having a child with someone like her seem so farfetched? Maybe for him...' She thought.

"Let's go." Aaron repeated what she said.

Ella quickly turned her feet to run to their house. But she decided to walk just in case she might just trip and fall. Aaron followed behind her not knowing what to do.

"Wait! Don't go!" Chun ran after her and held her wrist. Déjà vu?

She looked back to face him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Why are you crying? Chun managed to ask. "Don't cry," he said as he wiped her tears with his thumb. "Please...give me time to think about all this, I'm truly sorry, but I really can't think straight right now. But you should be rest assured that I would take responsibility." he said with all sincerity.

"I'll be back tomorrow, and we'll talk more about this." He said, looking at Aaron. He didn't think Ella was really feeling well. They both needed time.

Aaron knew that Chun wanted him to take Ella inside, she was crying like crazy. But he couldn't seem to move for a split second because he didn't think Chun would actually stop them. He quickly went back to reality though, when he saw Ella crying.

"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow." He said, nodding his head as a sign of respect and to show he understood him, he held onto Ella and headed inside the house. 

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