Chapter 18

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"We're here." Chun announced looking at the rear view mirror hoping for some reaction.

He thought about forgetting everything that happened that night worried Ella might run to her room, pack her things and head back to Pingtung with her mom.

Mrs. Chen and Ella went out of the car and immediately headed inside the house.

Not even taking a quick glance or acknowledging Chun's presence.

They weren't planning on taking off, however Ella was planning on ignoring Chun, until she could face him again.

That kiss was a total shocker, she just can't handle it.

Inside her room that night, she couldn't sleep.

"I can't believe he kissed me." She said while looking at herself in the mirror, feeling her lips with her hands. "But I don't know whether I should be happy or sad."

She wasn't the only one suffering from insomnia.

Just few doors way, Chun was still wide awake.

He kept thinking about his actions... towards Ella.

When she's around, he changes into a whole different person.

Normally, He wouldn't cook for just any woman other than the girl he would call a wife or a girlfriend.

He wouldn't voluntarily go shopping, desperate to have his mom like a person.

He wouldn't squeal 'Mwuashroom!' at the dinner table.

And he surely wouldn't kiss a woman in front of a crowd.

Those things are not him, not Wu Ji Chun.

Why does he do those things?

They aren't even a couple.

They were just put together by something that happened between them which turned into a whole other mess.

Is it love?

Is it fate?

He didn't know.


"Wei! Jia Hua! Look at your eye bags! They look puffy! Did you sleep at all—"

Ella quickly covered up her mother's mouth before she would wake the others in the house.

"It's so early in the morning, you're nagging again." she complained."But if you should know, I couldn't sleep at all last night."

"Hay~ my child, you are so sensitive, it was just a kiss, there's no big deal."


"Eh, what are you going to do anyways, are you just going to ignore him?"

"Mama, you are too nosy!"

"I'm just asking!"

"Fine, if you must know, again, I was planning on ignoring him. However, I'm not anymore."


"You still ask me?" she asked letting out a sigh. "It's because you're right, it was just a kiss. It didn't mean anything; he just wanted me to calm down."

"Really? You believe me? How can you be sure? What if he just really wanted to kiss you? Then, he took that opportunity to kiss you without malice." Mrs. Chen pointed out.

"How is that possible?!" Ella said defensively feeling strange about the possibility.

'What if that's what really happened?' she thought to herself, 'then, wouldn't that mean he likes me?'

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