Chapter 16

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"Mama! I really missed you!" Ella greeted as she hugged Mrs. Chen who just arrived from their province.

"Hello Auntie!" Chun also greeted her.

"Have you been taking care of my daughter well?" Mrs. Chen got to the point.

"Auntie, you don't have to worry. I am taking care of your daughter. And let me tell you, she is really childish, impatient and unpredictable. She's—"Ella cut him off.

"—Wei!!! I'm pregnant!!! What do you want from me?!!!" she playfully slapped him.

Mrs. Chen just watched them bicker like an old couple, and couldn't help but chuckle at them.

Then Ella finally stuck her tongue out at Chun and turned her attention to her mom.

"Mama, Let me show you to your room." She said.

They entered one of the guest rooms. It was the closest guest room to Ella's room.

They just left Chun in the entertainment room, so he decided to go inside his room and rest.

Inside Mrs. Chen's room, the mother and daughter talked.

"So Jia Hua, are you feeling well? Is Chun really treating you well? Have you had your check-ups yet? Look! You have a small bump already."

 Mrs. Chen was really curious about everything and wanted to know what has happened.

"Whoa! Mama, you've got a lot of questions huh? I must tell you that I am feeling very well. And I will have my check-up later this month. About Chun, he is...really annoying sometimes but he does treat me very well."

"I thought you love him, how could he be annoying?" Mrs. Chen whispered softly so no one could hear what they're talking about.

"Aiyoo, I don't know, it's just sometimes he...he...I think he's just annoying sometimes. I don't know."

"Fine. Never Mind. Are you ready to meet his mother?" Mrs. Chen changed the subject.

She remembered that when she was pregnant with Ella; she was constantly annoyed with her husband.

Who knew it was genetic?

Thankfully, Mr. Chen was a patient man.

And Chun seems to have this attribute as well.

"That's why I wanted you to accompany me. Do you think she's nice?" Ella told her mom.

"We'll see..." Mrs. Chen answered.


They were standing outside the restaurant that the Wu family owned.

It was where Chun, Ella and Mrs. Chen agreed to meet Mrs. Wu.

"Mama, I'm feeling really, really nervous," Ella whispered to her mother as they were about to enter the restaurant.

They were walking behind Chun, who was leading them to where the 'meeting' was.

Mrs. Wu sat at the VIP table, wearing an expensive Chanel suit. She looked exquisite and refined. She was the definition of elegance.

"Mommy!" Chun happily greeted her and kissed her on the cheeks. "How are you today?"

"I'm doing fine. Thank you." She answered.

Ella stared at her. She was really gorgeous. It looks like Chun's looks came from his mother. She was elegant, sophisticated and her voice was really gentle.

"You must be Ella?" Mrs. Wu addressed her.

"Uh....Yes, I am. It's very nice to meet you." Ella said and offered her hand for a handshake.

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