Chapter 3

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Ella was watching Chun; he was dancing with a girl twice her size. Not that she was jealous but she thought he was drunk. To her, he didn’t seem oriented. After a moment, almost everyone was dancing. But Ella didn’t want to join, and was contented watching Chun dance happily with everyone. She was smiling at how happy he was. He was enjoying their High School Reunion. She was happy too, at least—for him. Seeing him after so many years and finally realizing how much she missed him, made her contented. Unfortunately, it can’t last forever. Her unrequited love? Will it ever get tired? What if one day she wakes up, and realizes her unrequited love for Chun was gone?

Hours passed quickly, most people have gone home, either drunk or just plain tired. Their High School Reunion was coming to an end and she didn’t even have the courage to even talk to Chun.

“Attention everyone! We have reached the last part to our well-organized Reunion. We have decided to end our gathering with a closing song. Perfect for lovers and—of course not-yet-lovers!” the DJ started his announcement.

“So, lovers—or not-yet-lovers please take your wife your girlfriend or your prospective girl and lead them to the dance floor for our “Love Song for Lovers” Last Dance event…Thank You!”

‘Oh My God! I thought I told them to cancel this part!’ Ella thought while readying herself to leave and come back when it was over.

She was quickly grabbing her purse when someone came up to her and asked, “May I have this dance?”

“I’m sor—“she was going to reject the guy but was stopped when she saw the person asking her for the last dance—which was for lovers and not-yet-lovers was none other than Wu Ji Chun.

She was dumbfounded. HE was actually asking her to dance. She felt like it was something out of a movie something about dancing like something entitled: ‘Save the last dance for me’. At first he was dancing with everyone but her and now, for THE last dance—he saved his last dance for her. It was like her dream come true. Almost as if it wasn’t true and she would wake up, realizing that it didn’t happen. So before she would succumb to the beautiful moment, she pinched herself only to realize that she wasn’t dreaming at all and Chun was standing right in front of her waiting for her reply.

But she wasn’t buying it, she just can’t believe it.

It wasn’t logical. So, she looked around the room. And just as she thought, she was the only one available! But she didn’t care.

“Yes, you may” she answered him cordially with a nod. While he took her hand and guided her to the dance floor.

‘I can’t believe it! I’m actually dancing with Chun! Sigh. As long as he doesn’t look me in the eye, I think I’m going to be fine.’

Ella was rather nervous and was looking at the floor while they were dancing to one of the most romantic songs, ‘Wonderful Tonight’.

“How come I’ve never seen you before?” Chun tried to start a conversation with a mission to ask her a favor.

“You have seen me before, I’m Ella Chen. We have been classmates throughout high school.” Ella replied trying ever so hard not to sound disappointed that he didn’t remember her. But she was wearing make-up and was dressed-up, that even she didn’t recognize herself.

“Uhhm, Were you the woman who ran away awhile ago by the punch area? Hahaha!”

“Yeah, I was…I…just panicked…there’s nothing to it. Hahaha!”

“That’s good. Hey, by the way, he said and touched her chin to make her look at him straight in the eye. “Are you sober?”

‘What kind of question is that?!’ she thought but then his eyes was looking right at her and she was sure her heart would explode if he won’t stop.

Just then, she realized that he just asked her a question. But she couldn’t get herself to speak and simply nodded her head.

‘Thank God!’ Chun thought to himself. ‘I thought I would have to walk home.’

“Then can you drive me home—I mean at the hotel near this school, because it may not seem like it, but I’m drunk.” He quickly said as the song finally ended. Hope filled his eyes that were still looking at Ella.

‘I knew it!’ She thought. ‘He IS drunk. But how come he wants me to drive him home?’

Looking around the room, she was the only one who seemed to be the most sober and wouldn’t refuse to help other people. But still, she needed to help with cleaning the Gym after.

 “I have to help with the cleaning and closing the school compound after the reunion so—“he cut her off.

“—its okay, I’ll wait for you.” He said as he searched for a chair to sit on during the wait.

“Fine” she said. She didn’t want him to wander during the night all alone, so she decided to accompany him. Besides, the hotel he was staying at was near the school so it wasn’t so bad.

After all the cleaning, fixing, and arrangements she went to look for Chun. The only people left in the school compound were her, Chun and a janitor. She was dead tired and now she has to drive this guy home.

“Chun. Chun. Chun.” She chanted while poking him in the face thrice. He had fallen asleep. And it seems that while she was busy cleaning up, he busied himself by drinking some more alcohol.

“Aiiyoo! Chun Wu! You are really handsome and there’s no doubt that I’m in love with you but why do you have to get drunk?” she was mumbling to herself. “Do you know how heavy you are? I can’t carry you by myself!”

“Teacher Ella, Do you need any help?” The janitor asked her.

Her face lightened up at the sight of him.

“You’re my savior!” she exclaimed. “Please help me carry him to his car.” She said pointing at Chun.

She took Chun’s keys out from one of his pockets and together with the janitor, carried him to the car.

They successfully put him in and Ella went to the driving seat.

“Thank you!” she told the driver and bade him goodbye.  

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