Chapter 2

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“Thanks for the punch!” Xu told Ella, while walking away to a table.

“No Problem!” She replied.

‘That guy is so hateful! But at least he apologized for kicking me back then. Sigh. And I guess he just complimented me—OH MY GOD!’

She snapped out of her thoughts and looked straight at the entrance of the Gym. Standing there was Chun, wearing a seemingly expensive suit, sporting a seemingly new hair cut. He was still as handsome as ever…or even more handsome—if that’s even possible. He was strikingly beautiful to her eyes; it even seemed as if he was glowing. She just watched him come in, take a seat at a table and talk to a few of their batch mates as she hears her heart skip a beat and feel as if it was like High School all over again. Every time he was near, she would always hear her heart beat loudly.

A load cry of a man yelling “…Punch!” distracted her. So she grabbed onto the large spoon to pour the distracter, who was getting impatient some punch. She quickly poured punch to his glass but accidentally poured it to him instead.

“AHH! You Idiot! What’s wrong with you!? Don’t you know how expensive this suit is!?” He was obviously mad.

She was going to fight back, and tell him she wasn’t an idiot and that it was an accident, but then she looked at him and was frightened! He was a giant compared to her!

She panicked. She kept repeating her apologies and quickly ran outside to prevent him from attacking her. She was really scared and the fact that her heart was somewhere else initially didn’t help either.

‘Oh my God!’ she exclaimed as she sat on the fountain near their Gymnasium. ‘I can’t believe that guy! Calling me an idiot! How can I be a teacher if I was an idiot?!’

After a few minutes, Hebe approached her.

“Ella! You can go back inside now; the guy wasn’t actually going to hurt you! You were funny though, hahahaha! You were so scared! But I can’t blame you though, he was really big haha!”

“Did anyone see what happened?” Ella asked.

“Only a few people saw it….oh wait, Are you asking, if Chun saw it? Huh? Huh?” Hebe asked her back, and wanted to tease her about her Chun.

“Will you stop it?! I’m over him already!” she replied. Hebe noticed that she was obviously lying. She saw what she was doing before the accident happened but didn’t want to probe on further.

“Anyways, you need to give me and Selina $1000. That guy’s suit was Calvin Klein! And he made us pay him because of the damage you caused!” Hebe changed the subject she started.

“Fine, But you go in first. I’ll go in after you O.K?”

“O.K” Hebe replied excitedly, and headed back inside.

She sighed and stood up. Breathing in and out, she cheered herself, ‘Ella, you can do this!’

As what she had told Hebe, She walked back inside, and sat down at one of the tables. She didn’t want to serve punch anymore. Because that would mean she would probably be involved in another accident. Besides, someone had already replaced her. 

‘It was always like this’ she thought, whenever he’s near she gets into small accidents because of her nervousness.’

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