Chapter 15

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 "You know what? I can't believe you. Most women would want to shop until they drop."

Chun and Ella were walking at the mall, however after the drama that happened in the parking lot, Ella wanted to go home.

But Chun insisted that they continue shopping since they were already there anyways.

He also wanted her to feel better, thinking that like most women she would feel happy buying whatever she wants.

However, he was wrong.

Ella wasn't too keen on shopping, especially on overpriced shopping malls.

She much prefers shopping on market stalls during the night.

Maybe that explains why she doesn't dress like Chun or other rich people.

But she had been on Taipei 101, when Selina, Hebe and her decided to visit Taipei.

They had a free make-over at one of the make-up conventions. She was dared to do it. The end result was not bad.

"..." She didn't even want to respond on Chun's remark, and just kept quiet.

"Are you still mad at me?" Chun asked.

"No." Ella replied.

"Then, why aren't you...why are you so..."

"So quiet."


"Because I feel like it."

"You..." Chun didn't know how to respond to her, she was still pretty much offended. "Come on, let go to this place."

He dragged Ella into one of the department stores, so they could buy something.

At least one thing.


"Are you aware that when you're pregnant, your stomach would get bigger?" Ella asked Chun sarcastically.

She was watching him pick clothes that were, for her, tight fitting.

"Aiyoo...stop complaining already," he said. "Here, try this on."

He handed her a purple dress he thought would look good on her.

They have been to a lot of stores already, however Ella was being impatient and hard to handle most of the time.

They only bought 5 things. It was because either the product is much too expensive for what it's actually worth or it's not worth it at all.

"Chun, I don't want to shop anymore. Can we just walk around?" Ella asked.

She just came out from the fitting room wearing the purple dress Chun made her wear.

It was a sleek purple dress which showed off her rounded belly, in a flattering way.

Chun stared at her in awe. Despite her impatience that afternoon, which he tolerated until now she still manages to be cute.

"You're so cute." He complimented her and couldn't help but pinch her cheeks.

"Hey!" Ella tried to turn her face from him and started blushing like mad.

She quickly re-entered the fitting room, hearing heartily laughs from Chun outside.

'I can't believe that just happened.' She thought 'I think you're cute too....'

She changed back to her normal clothes and went outside.

Chun paid for the dress and they walked around the mall, as what Ella wanted to do.

"Chun! Look!" Ella exclaimed. "It's so cute!"

She called for Chun to show him the cute little baby clothing on display at the local store selling baby necessities.

It was colored white and blue with a scarf, it was just like a sailorman's suit.

"Do you want me to buy it?" Chun asked while smiling at Ella, who was looking cute and excited admiring the little sailorman suit.

"Can you?" She asked him back with hopeful eyes. She didn't know why but she really liked the sailorman suit.

"Of course!" Chun was kind of boasting, however he somehow felt proud that he could buy something Ella really liked.


After shopping, the soon-to-be-parents went back home and Chun kept his promise of making dinner.

He cooked Ella's favorite, mushroom soup.

He couldn't help but laugh at Ella's antics while he was cooking.

She was squealing "Mwwashroom!" like a child. It was definitely something he wouldn't dare do. If her small bump wasn't showing, he would think she wasn't actually pregnant. But then again, she changes her mood frequently, so she's definitely a cute pregnant woman.

When Ella asked him to squeal with her, he hesitated, but in the end they were both squealing "Mwwashroom!" at the dining table.

Ella tasted his cooking and thought it was very good, however her mom's cooking is still the best.

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