Chapter 8: Liar

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"This should be fun." You say to Kyle, in the hopes to get him a little more excited about it. "Yeah, sure." He grumbles, but smiles at your smile. "Why are you so negative?" You ask. "I just don't like parties." He answers, something about him is off.

Kyle's P.O.V

I hate lying to (y/n), but the truth is too difficult to explain. When Bebe get's drunk, which I'm sure she will, she get's all weird. She climbs all over. The last time I was at a party with her, she climbed on top of me and she started making out with me! This was when (y/n) and I weren't...a thing. But the thought still makes me uncomfortable.

Normal P.O.V

You walk hand in hand with Kyle ven though you feel slightly uncomfortable at his strange acts. "Well, I hope you can try and enjoy it." You tell him once you've neared your house. "I will, for you." He smiles and you feel your heartbeat pick up. "See you in an hour?" You ask and he nods, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead. Without asking, you hold his cheeks in your hands and moves his lips to yours. You can tell that Kyle isn't extremely used to public affection. When you pull away, his cheeks are flushed deep red, but he has a small smile on his lips. "See you soon." He says and smiles once more.

When you get inside you decide that you want to be a little bit in spirit, sice you've always really liked the idea of halloween. You don't want to go fullout but you want to do something so you find your box of old halloween knick-knacks. After looking through it for 15 minutes and not finding anything but cat ears, bunny ears, a dracula cape and a few other old, ratty costumes bits, you run upstairs and look through your room.

You finally get an idea and get your brother's polar bear hat. He got it for one of his ex-girlfriends but she didn't like it so he kept it. His fluffy and white and has two little ears. It has those things tht you can tie round your neck (if you really wanted to) and you think paired with the right clothes, it could be really cute, sexy even

You decide to put on a white dress that's tight at the top. It's a velvety texter and goes half way down your arms and has a dipped neckline. The dress gets looser at the middle and hangs just above your knees. You pull on some see through black stockings and white pumps. It's a little over the top for what you would normally wear, but you like, and you have a feeling some of the girls there are going to be dressed in barely anything, so you feel a little better about your clothing choice.

You straighten your hair, apply some makeup including, blush, white eyeliner on your bottom water line and a black, winged liner above your lashes and you even decide to put on fake lashes, not the ugly, massive ones though. To top off the look you put on red lipstick and a tiny amount of silver glitter on your cheeks. With the polar bear hat on top, you know you've done it. You actually managed to look adorabely sexy.

You sit on your bed and look through some photos on instagram for a while. After a minute you close your eyes and let yourself daydream to pass time. You are snapped out of your thoughts when your phone rings. "Hello?" You answer. "Hey we're here to pick you up." You hear Clyde on the other end. "Oh Okay, I'll be right down." You tell him and hang up.You feel a little bit nervous as you pull on a black cardigan and a throw your phone into a white clutch.

When you get outside, you can already see that some of the boys dressed up. Clyde's looking handesome with a pair of fangs and a cape, with Craig in passenger's seat wearing cat ears. You were suprised to see he even came, he never seems too excited about everything. You can't help but notice Clyde's eyes widen at the sight of you. You'd blush but you feel way too confident in your stockings and pumps.

What surprises you the most is when Kyle steps out of the back seat wearing plastic devil horns, a devil's tail and two stripes of red paint under his eyes. You put your hand over your mouth to supress the amusement you have towards his costume, or that he even wore a costume. He looks adorable and something tells you, he did it for you.

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