Chapter 2: The sleepover

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(Picture I made of the goth kids<3 I know..Michael is adorable. :3)
This morning your alarm goes off at six and you drag yourself out of bed. Your body hurts from the arcade yesterday but you're happy about the pain, because you had fun causing it. You get dressed, do your makeup, do your hair and brush your teeth.

Your brother calls you down for breakfast and you see a huge platter of pancakes. "Oh my." You say happliy. You sit with Mitch and eat one pancake after another. "You're gonna have fun today, okay?" He says. You nod, shoveling more pancake into your mouth.

After you eat you hear a knock at the door, assuming it's Kyle you go and answer it. "Hey!" Stan chimes. "Oh hey! I thought it would be Kyle...this is a surprise." You laugh. "Do you wanna walk with Kyle and I? I still have to go get him, but your house was before his." He asks. You smile and nod, grabbing your bag and saying bye to Mitchell, you leave your house and follow him down the road.

"Morning." Kyle smiles at the two of you. You walk in between them in silence. When you reach the school, you are shivering. Kyle takes his green hat off and let's you borrow it to warm up. You smile at him with gratitude and continue to your first class. Where you find, Butters, Tweek, Cartman and Michael. Butters waves to you and you smile at the cheerful boy. You sit between him and Tweek. You take a risk and glance behind you at Michael, who you are surprised to see is already staring at you. You blush and direct your attention to the front of the class.

After first period is over you decide to linger in the class room as long as you can, hoping that Michael will stop to talk to you, but he doesn't stop you until you're in the hallway at your locker. "Ther other girls are giving you the stink eye." He says, leaning against the locker. He nods in the direction behind you head and you turn around to see a tall blonde girl with a red coat, and a shorter black haired girl with a purple one staring at you. And dang, if looks could kill...we'd all be dead.

"Who are they?" You ask him, beginning to walk to your next class. "To me they're a bunch of conformists. But to your friends, their Bebe and Wendy. Stan and Wendy are dating." Michael groans. He really hates seeing other people happy. "I didn't know Stan had a girlfriend." You say to yourself. "Well he does, and she's a bitch. Watch your back." He says. You think you may of heard a little bit of a laugh in his voice but you could be wrong. You give a weak laugh and he turns into a classroom.

Your next class in Algebra and you sit beside Token. Token seems really nice and friendly, but he has seemed just too shy to talk to you. You sit quietly and jot notes until the bell for lunch rings. You walk alone to the cafeteria with your books in your bag and your earbuds in. You can't be sure about where you will be sitting, because you don't know if the boys consider you "Lunch table worthy."

When you get your food you stand in the middle of the cafeteria, looking around. "(Y/N)!!!" You hear Stan call. He waves you over to him and you sit between him and Kyle. "How do you like SPHS so far?" Kyle asks. "It's good, I don't think the other girls like me that much." When you say that, all the boys look behind them at the girls lunch table. All of their eyes turn to you and glare. You swallow the hard lump in your throat. "Don't worry about them. They're always like that." Stan says.

"Guys! Guys!" You look to the door of the cafeteria and see Cartman running towards the table. "You w-won't believe what I-I just heard!" He pants. "What now fat ass?" Kyle asks. "Patty...Nelson is having a party this weekend. everyone's invited." He leans against the table to catch his breath. All the boys look at eachother. "A party? What for?" Craig asks. "Who cares?! There's gonna be girls and music and beer!" He cheers quietly. "Beer!? We're only 16! We'll get in trouble." Kyle protests. Eric stares at him blankly. "Of...Fucking...Course." Eric mumbles. "Of course the Jew has to come and fucking ruin the fun for everyone elese! I shouldn't have even told you about it!" Cartman whines. You can't help but chuckle at the immaturity of the boys.

You need to say something. "I'll go." You say, taking every ounce of courage you have. "(y/n)?" Kyle looks at you in sock. "Yeah, you should go to. It will be fun!" You say cheerfully. "If she's going, I'm going." Clyde says, giving you a quick, seductive wink. You feel your face flush. "Yeah, me too." Token says. "Mmfm Mfg" Kenny exclaims. Eventually Kyle is the only one that still need to be persuaded. "Come on Kyle! I don't wanna go if you're not there." you explain eagerly. "Okay. Fine." He mumbles. You cheer and you all continue to eat your lunch.

After school you feel exhausted, you just want to go home and fall asleep. "Hey (y/n)." You hear Kyle say quietly from behind you. "Oh, Hey Kyle." You say. "re you good at algebra? I'm failing and I could really use a tutor." He asks, you see his porceline skin heat up. "Yeah, sure. Want me to come over?" You ask. He nods and you walk to his house.

"Oh, my parents aren't home...hope you don't mind." He says nervously. You shake your head and follow him inside. When you step into the warm, jewish household you feel Kyle's summery scent engulf you. You smile at the pictures on the wall of him and his family, you can see he has both his mother and father, and even a little, canadian brother. "That's my family." He says, noticing you staring at the pictures.

You nod and follow him upstairs to his room. You feel warm in the house so you take your coat off. "So what are we gonna work on?" You ask him. He puts his bag on his bed and opens it. "Um, Mr. Taylor's class work, do you have him?" He looks at you and you nod. He pulls himself onto his bed and you get on it to, leaning against the wall.

After a half an hour of helping him do problems, you decide to take a break. "So, you're going to Patty's prty?" He asks, crossing his arms across his chest. "Yeah, I think it will be fun." You tell him. "Yeah, I guess. I just get nervous when there is a lot of people around, ya know?" He asks, his face becoming red. "Ya, I know how you feel." You assure him, even though, you don't know how it feels. You've always been really good in large groups of people.

After a minute, you hear Kyle yawn, which makes you yawn too. "I'm tired." You say. "Me too, wanna watch some T&P?" He asks. You happliy nod and follow him downstairs. You used to watch terrance and phillip a lot, but no so much anymore since your brother stopped liking it so much. He get's a blanket and popcorn and you sit on the couch together and watch some T&P as planned. After a while it starts to get dark and you fall asleep to the sound of Kyle's breathing and his occasional chuckle at the tlevision show.

You liked watching the way his shoulders shook when he laughed. It made you feel warm and a lot more comfortable.


When you woke up, you felt very disoriented. You rubbed your eyes and looked around. You then rememebered you were in Kyle's house. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and then realized you were both lying down on his couch. Kyle was fast asleep and his arm was draped over your waist. Normally, you would freak out and rush to elave, but he looked so young when he slept. His lips hung open and his curly hair askew. You brush your hand over his cheek and close your eyes again.


This time you woke up it was to a high voice. "Kyle!!" It said. You look at Kyle and he looks at you and both of your eyes went wide. You scrambled to sit up and comb your hair woth your fingers while Kyle fumbled with his hat. "H-hey Ike." Kyle says to the little boy that you recognize from the family photos. "Oh Bubby, who's this?" You hear a high, woman's voice ask. You look up and see a large woman with a big nose and big red hair. She's holding grocery bags. Behind her is a man with what looks like an over night bag. "This is (y/n), she just moved in down the street. Her parents had to go out so I told her she could stay the night." Kyle lies. "Hi." You smile. "Hi Honey." Ms. Broflovski chimes. "Well that was nice of you Kyle but it's time for her to go home and get ready for school, you don't want to be late." Hi dad says. "School?" You and Kyle say in unison. "Yes, it's 7 am?" His mother tells us. "Oh." You and Kyle both laugh.

He walks you to the door and thanks you for the tutoring and you say thanks for not kicking you out at 3 am.

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