Chapter 4: Kyle vs. Michael

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its been a week since you slept at Kyle's house. Since then you've noticed a change in his friendly behaviour. He's been a little more flirtatious, which you don't have a problem with. The same goes for Clyde. And on wednesday you even mae Michael laugh. A good, whole hearted laugh. It has been a good week.

"Hey (y//n)" You hear pete say/ "Oh, hey Pete." You smile at him. "So, you know Michael likes being around you and whatever and I do you do it? because I can't get him to smile and you do i all the time." Pete asks. You are surprised by the question. "Well, I just act myself around him, I like being around him, I don't know how I get him to smile or even laugh, I was surprised when I did." I tell him and turn towards Kyle's last class.

"Hey." He says when he sees you, hugging you so tight that your feet lift from the floor. "How was your day?" He asks politely. "It was great, you?" You ask in reply. "It was okay."

You and Kyle walk to the exit. "See you guys tonight!" Craig calls to you both. You go to turn and wave but before you can you catch Clyde's seductive stare, and turn awway. "What does he mean, he'll see us tonight?" Kyle asks. "The party is tonight, slly." You giggle. "What!? That's tonight?! Oh god!" Kyle panicks. You stop walking and wrap your arms around his neck, he's shocked at first but he hugs you back. "You're cute when you're anxious." You whisper to him, you see his cheeks get red and smile. He lets you go and runs his hand down your arm, lacing his fingers with yours.

You walk hand in hand until you get to your house. "I'll come to your house after I get ready, okay?" You tell him. He nods and let's your hand go.

"Mitchell!" You call when you get inside. "Yo" You hear him call from the kitchen...Mitchell's natural habitat. "I'm gonna go out with some friends tonight." You tell him. "As long as you're safe, that's fine by me." He tells you. You nod and walk up stairs. You pull your bangs back with an elastic, and straighten the rest. You line your eyes and lips and add some blush and mascara. After you pull up a velvety blue skirt over your pale legs and then put on a white, collared shirt.

After you're done getting ready you hear your phone ring. You look at caller I.D and see a picture of Michael blowing cigarette smoke at the camera. "Hi." You say when you answer. "Hey, are you going to this stupid party everyone's talking about?" He asks, his voice as dark and mysterious as always. "Yep. Are you?" You ask him, smiling for no real reason. "Would...would you like me to?" He asks. Your face heats up. "Yes, I'd like that very much." You assure him. "Alright." He says, and hangs up.

You throw your phone and your keys into your black bag and walk downstairs. "Alright, I'm gonna go over to kyle's for a bit before we go out, so I'll see you later." You say, grabbing your coat from the couch. "Okay......Love you." Mitchell replies. Before you open the door, you smile to yourself. "Love you too." You reply and walk out the door.

When you get to Kyle's house you see that there is no car in the driveway, meaning his parents must be out. You knock on the door.

"Hey." You smile when he opens it. He doesn't say anything, but he looks handsome in black jeans, white shirt and skinny tie, he's also wearing classes that you had never seen him wear before, but they looked really good. When you close the door, he slams the palms of his hands on the wall behind. Your eyes widen in surprise, he seems so hostile. He doesn't seem like the sweet, innocent Kyle that you know. "Ky-" Before you can finish, his lips are connected with yours. You stand still in shock for a moment, but you soon feel your blood turn to pure adreniline. You grab his face and pull it away from yours. You try to concentrate on his eyes, but you don't know which one to look at, so you just pull his face to yours, kissing him at a fast pace once again.

You feel his warm tongue run along your bottom lip, begging to get in. You let it. Your tongue is moving in harmony with his, you push away from the wall, keeping your lips on his, you sslowly walk together in unison, your lips staying connected the whole time. You move slowly and when you feel the backs of your legs hit the couch you let your body fall, his falling on top of yours.

You feel the denim of his jeans moving against your bare legs, your skirt is hiked up exposing your black, lacy panties. You grab at the back of his shirt when he leaves sensual, wet kisses along your jaw and down to your collarbone. He presses himself against you, planting a soft hand on your thigh. You think to yourself that it's funny how he can be so lustful but still have a soft, tender grip.

You arch your back allowing him to snake his warm hand under you. He then sits up and pulls you onto his lap. You cup his face in your hands and he puts his hand under the back of your shirt, gripping the back of your neck. You feel him harden againstyour lap and you feel so powerful. Both of your frail bodies have been ignited with energy and power. He kisses your neck and you move your hips against him.

You take five seconds to analyze; Kyle, Kissing, Boys. When you think boys your mind immediatley goes to a figure. It's dark. Your mind is so fuzzy and confused. You still feel kyle's warm lips against you, but it feels like he's made you high on some foreign substance. You try to concentrate on the figure in your mind. He's dark and tall and beautiful. It's...Michael.

With that thought you bite kyle's lower lip softly and lightly pull, releasing his lip from your teeth and resting your forehead against his. It felt right, kissing Kyle. But you still don't know how you feel about wither him or michael. You'll just have to see how the night goes.

"Well." You whisper, still sitting on Kyle's lap. "Was that weird?" He asks, his face redder than ever. You giggle and lean into him. You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a love bite on hs earlobe. "Nope." You reply. You hear him let out a sigh of relief. "We should get going, Clyde's picking us up in like, two minutes." He tells you. "Clyde drives?" You ask, moving you leg over his lap nd fixing your skirt. "Yah, believe it or not." You see him stare at you at you fix your skirt. He scratches the back of his neck and you blush.

Before you go outside, Kyle descreatly places his hand on the small of your back. "What's up you boners?" Cartman says when you get into the car. "Hi to you too." You smile, everyone hates cartman, but you can't help but adore the immature asshole. "Hey Craig, Token...Clyde." You say hesitantly. You see Clyde's smirk in the mirror. There isn't enough room in the car so you have to sit awkwardly, with half of your body on Kyle's lap and the other half on Craig's...yeah awkward.

(OK I NEED HELP I LOVE KYLE AND MICHAEL BUT I DONT KNOW WHICH ONE TO DO PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE COMMENT!!! also how did you guys like the sexuals? ;3 i may sound creepy but I love writing those scenes cx<3)

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