Chapter 7: The invite

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It\s been two days since your brother took your mom to rehab. You and Kyle are sitting on your couch watching tv, it's monday night and you decided to let him sleep over. His parents think he's sleeping at Stan's, and what's a little white lie anyways?

"Are you happy about your mom going to rehab?" He asks you. You nod in response. You get up and walk to the kitchen to make some popcorn. You smile at yourself because you are so happy. Your mother is getting help, you get to spend time with Kyle and your brother seems happier. As you place the popcorn in the microwave you feel the familiar warmth of Kyle's arms snake around your waist. "Hi." He whispers, sending chills down your spine.

"Hello." You giggle. You feel Kyle's warm lips press against your neck. You lean into him and close your eyes, reaching behind you and placeing your hand on his neck. He turns you around and holds your waist against the counter. You look up at him and he looks down at you. You feel stunned by his beauty. His shaggy red hair and his porcelin skin is beautiful. He lifts you up and places you on the counter, moving himself in between your legs. You grab his face and you feel the adrenaline as your lips connect with his. It's like electricity coursing through your veins.

You pull at his hair gently and he digs his frail fingers into your hips, it's a good pain. You move your tongue with his and it feels beautiful. You pull your body closer to his and wrap your legs around his waist. He picks you and walks to the couch, never diconnecting his lips from yours. He lays ontop of you, keepin as much weight off of your body as possible, but for you it feels too distant so you grab the collar of his jacket and pull him into you. Your legs are intertwined and his mouth is moving at a much more rapid pace.

Your hormones fly out of control when you feel Kyle harden against your leg. You maleciously smile into his lips and press your hips against his. He moves his hand and grips your thigh and your mind becomes unclear. You begin to leave longer, harder kisses on his lips. His hands snakes up your shirt and places on your ribcage. As you kiss him you feel an embarrasing yawn escape your trembling lips.

"Are you tired?" He asks, resting his chin on your ribs and looking up at you. Even though you were having a great time, you have to admit, you feel exhausted, plus you have school in the morning. "Okay, then let's sleep." He smiles. You are amused by how understanding he is. "Where are you going?" You ask when he gets up from the couch. "I was gonna bring you to your room." He explains. "I wanna sleep here, on the couch...with you." You feel your cheeks flush even though you were just closer to him than you have ever been to anyone before; There is a difference between lustfulness and cuddling.

Kyle looks at you with flushed cheeks and slowly walks back over to the couch. His body looks beautiful in the dim lighting from the television. He moves behind you and drapes his arm over your waist and pulls you in closer to him. You turn your body around because you want to face him. He takes his glasses off and puts them on the side of the couch. You run your finger over his cheek and then his lips and he smiles, taking your fingers in his hand and kissing them lightly.

You are surprised by the change of mood in the living room. You enjoy being this close to Kyle. You fall asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat.


The next morning you yawn yourself awake to the sound of Terrance and Philip, you forgot to switch off the television last night. You smile at Kyle's parted lips and messy hair. You wiggle yourself out from under him and decide to let him sleep a little longer. You walk upstairs and get dressed in tights and a Ouran Host Club t-shirt and pull your hair into a messy bun. After adding mascara and a flick of eyeliner to your dull face, you walk back downstairs Where you find Kyle sitting on the couch, his glasses on, his hair fixed into place, a new pair of jeans that he packed and his signature orange jacket at green hat.

"Are you ready?" He asks, walking over to you and placing his hand on your neck and lightly pullng you into a kiss. "Yes. are you?" You ask. He nods and you make your way to your door.

You decide to take the bus today even though it's a detour. When you get to the stop you find Cartman, Kenny and Stan all waiting already. "Hey Jew, Hey bitch." Cartman snorts. "Don't call her a bitch fatass!" Kyle retorts. "Kyle, it's okay." You tell him. "What's up, Tard licking fat fuck." You wink at Cartman who's face is in pure shock at your "wonderful" comeback. Kenny bursts into laughter. "Mmmfg mfmd msmmfm" (I'll have to remember that one..) He laughs.

After the boring ride to school you go through your classes lazily. You briefly speak to Michael and Token. At lunch you sit in your regular seat with the boys. They are all hyped up about Halloween. "Fellahs! Fellahs! You gotta come and see this! I-it's wonderful!" Butters runs into the cafeteria. All of the boys except tweek get up and you decide to stay behind. You look down at your plate and then at tweek. He sits with his head in his arms. You think hes sleeping. "Tweek!" You shout. "GAH! JESUS!" He yelps. His body springs up and he looks around him, as if he can't remember where he is.

"Oh, Hey (y/n)" He says. You look at his misbuttoned shirt and his messy blond hair. His eyes are alert and unfocused. You never realized how insanely adorable he is. "Hi." You giggle. "Where is everyone?" He asks you, looking around the cafeteria once again. "Butters had to show them something suposedly mind blowing." You say, taking a bite of salad. "What!? Why didn't they tell me!? Oh god!?" He gets worried. "Tweek, chill out, I'm sure it wasn't that exciting." You laugh. "Don't you have like...a happy place, or something?" You ask him. With that, he closes his eyes and crosses his legs on the cafeteria bench. "Oh, I guess that's a yes." You laugh to yourself and look down at your salad.

"That was stupid, butters." You hear Kyle say from the Cafeteria doors. "MERMGEMAS!??!? IFWEKWFEJMW?!!?" Kenny exclaims (Stupid?!? That was amazing!?") "What's amazing about a woman being exploited?" Kyle asks. You don't know what they're talking about and you don't really want to know, but your heart warms at the sound of Kyle's voice, opinionated and firm, but also very caring.

"(y/n) You should have seen them, they were big and round and squishy and..." Butters begins. "NO I DON'T CARE!" You stop him before he continues to explain the magnificence of whatever it was. (You eventually found out someone tooke a picture of a random girls boobs and put them on the boys bathroom mirror.)

After school you meet Kyle who is standing outside with Craig, Token, Tweek and Cyde. "Hey, (y/n) Your boyfriends being a bitch but you're coming tonight,right?" Token laughs. "Coming where?" You ask, ignoring the rude but kind of funny remark about Kyle. "Bebe's Halloween party." Craig tells you. "I won't go if Kyle doesn't. Everytime I see her she gives me the death stare." You say and they laugh. "They're just jealous." Clyde says. You don't think he meant to say it out loud because he goes red and covers his mouth. You feel oddly flattered. "Come on Kyle," Craig nudges his shoulder. "Fine, but I'm not dressing up." He tells them. "No one is, except Bebe and wendy." Token tells him. A halloween party without costumes? Weird.

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