Chapter 5: The party

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(Thank you so much for 1k veiws, I work hard and I love to write. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I love writing it<3 ;3)

The second ou get in the party you feel claustrophobic. People moving all around you and music blaring in your ears. After you ajust to the surroundings, you see A blonde girl with a tight red dress on sductively staring/dancing/biting her lip in Kyle's direction. Behind her is Wendy grinding against Stan. When the blonde girl catches your stare she glares at you. Kyle notices this and tells you he'd be back. You nod and look around.

After ten minutes of standing around with your hands behind your back, you are about to go look for Kyle, when you feel someone tap on your shoulder. "Ma lady." Michael bows and you giggle. "Hey Michael." You say, a tint of laughter in your voice. "Hey, where are all your jocky friends?" he asks with a snort. "I honestly have no idea.." We have to yell over the music. "Well, let's get a drink." He says, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the kitchen. In the kitchen I see Kenny making out with some girl on the counter and a few girls standing in the corner, probably gossiping.

"I can't beleive I came to this non-conformists nightmare." He groans. "It's not that bad." You laugh as he puts a cup full of green liquid in your hand. "Ew, it looks like vomit." You say, scrunching your nose at the drink. "Okay, when have you ever vomited and it looked neon green?" He asks with a snort. "Good point." You say, still looking at the cup quizzically. "Hey." He says, hooking his finger under your chin. "It's green apple." He smirks and takes a sip of the drink, I follow his lead.

The drink tastes good to the tongue but boils in my stomach, it feels good. "Wow. That's really good." You laugh. "I told you." he says, taking another sip. You stay with Michael in the kitchen for a while. By the time Firkle, Henrietta and Pete come in to find Michael, you've had three glasses and are finally feeling a little bit tipsy. "Of course you're with her." Pete growls. What? You think to yourself. Why is he so mean.

"Come on Michael, I wanna go." Pete says. "Yeah all these conformists suck goth balls." Firkle says. "But guys i can't jus-" before michael finishes you cut him off. "Go on, I gotta go find Kyle anyway."

Michael gives you an apologetic look and is dragged out of the party by his friends. You make yourself another drink and try to get out of the kitchen without tripping over your own feet.

"Hey Clyde." You say when you see him. "Oh, hey, (y/n)" Jesus, clyde looks even cuter in the dim lighting of the house party. "Have you seen...Kyle?" You slur. "Yeah he was on the couch with bebe, are you drunk?" He laughs. "Maybe a little." You laugh back, you can't be the only one feeling a little tipsy...can you be?

"Can you help me find him?" You ask, probably looking kind of silly. Clyde laughs and nods and you hook your arm around his. "Come on missy, let's go find your knight in shining armor." Clyde grumbles. What's he mean by that? you giggle to yourself.

"Hey! Broflovski!" Clyde calls and points to you. "Oh, I'll talk to you later bebe." Kyle says and walks over to us. You couldn;t help but notice the way one of bebe's legs were draped over his.

"She's a little....tipsy." Clyde warns. You smile up at Kyle, you already feel the alchohol rubbing off, but you feel angry and don't like the way bebe is looking at Kyle so hungrily.

You lean in closer to Kyle and ask him if he'd like to dance. You pull him to a more open space and he holds your hand. "You're drunk." Kyle says, unsure about what I'm doing...I'm unsure about what I'm doing.

"I'm really confused right now Kyle. I've never been drunk before and right now I just want to stare at the galaxies in your eyes." You tell him before you can think. His eyes widen but quickly soften at your desperate expression. Even with the upbeat pop music playing you hug yourself close to his chest and sway in rythym with him.

after that song, a slow song comes on. It's Miserable at Best by mayday parade. You look up at Kyle and he looks down at you. In the corner of your eye you see bebe staring at you and honestly you could care less. He kisses you on the forehead and then nuzzles his face into your neck.

It's in that moment that you realize, it was never Michael. You liked Michael, you loved the darkness that surrounded him. You loved the way he looked at you. But you can't help but memorizing Kyle's scent. You feel as his arms wrap around you tighter. You realize that you could seriously stay here forever.


Hours pass and you have had three more drinks. You, Kyle, Craig, Token, Stan, Kenny, Wendy, Bebe, Patty, Butters, Clyde and Tweek are all sitting on couches around a coffee table. "You go first." Craig says to Stan. "Okay, fine. Truth or dare...Cartman." He asks cartman. Every one is a little bit tipsy now and the party has died down. "truth." Cartman says bravely. "Is it true that you're secretly in love with patty?" Stan asks deviously. "WHAT?!?" Cartman's face goes absolutely red. "Ok, ok. You're turn Cartman." Craig tells him.

"Okay, (y/n), I dare you, to kiss Kyle...with Tongue!" Cartman says. "You didn't say truth or dare?" You almost shout. "I don't care." Cartman says. "this is so childish." You moan, trying to avoid the dare. "Oh come one just do it!" Token laughs. You look at Kyle and he looks at you, he looks so sexy in his drunken state. You grab his face and bring your lips to his. You can taste the sour apple vodka on his warm lips. Kyle's tongue slides into your mouth and you start to laugh. Embarrassed, you pull your face away from his. "Oh my god." He chuckles, putting his face into his hands.

"Nice, okay who's turn now?" Clyde says. "Bebe, where are you going?" Asks Wendy. She turns around, her face is sour and distorted in odd ways. "Home. I'm not in the party mood anymore." She whines and walks to the front door. You look at Kyle who honestly looks like he might laugh. "Yeah, we're gonna head out too." Says craig. You follow the group that drove you here to the door and check your bag to make sure you didn't forget anything; old habits die hard.

About a half an hour later you're in Kyle's driveway. You both get out of the car there, since you can just walk to your house.

"So, did you have fun?" You ask him. He smiles and takes your body into his arms. Yuo pull away from him just enough to be face to face with him. "Yes." He tells you. Then he leans in o kiss you and you happily obliage. You allow his tongue to slide into your mouth and you feel the goosebumps cover your arms.

"So...what does this mean for us?" You ask quietly, barley moving away from his mouth. "I guess..I should ask you...if you would like to be my...girlfriend?" He asks, very shyly. Your heart speeds up and you feel like you might faint. "I'd like that." You smile and kiss him again.

(Omg so i picked Kyle. But I'm gonna add more drama with bebe ouuu<3)

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