Chapter 9: Behead for Adultery

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(I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THIS EPISODE. I tried to make it dramatic, I don't know. I was pretty upset that I had to destroy the perfect relationship that ep, but it had to be done, *sobs*)

For some reason the music has stopped and you notice that everyonehas stepped away from you, probably because you look like you might throw up.

"K-kyle?" You squeak, your voice completely betraying you. You see his eyes widen and he pushes the blond girl off of him. "(y/n)!" He says and stands up but you immediately back away. The world spins beneath your feet and you put your hand to your head. You want to pinch your skin to see if you're just having a bad dream but sadly you know that this is all too real.

"Don't, please, just don't." You say quietly and feel someone push you towards the door. When you smell the familiar scent of Clyde you feel relieved. He moves you towards the front door and you hear Kyle's feet follow behind you, followd by dozens of others to see whats about to go down.

"(y/n), Wait, I can explain!" Kyle shouts. Clyde keeps you moving but you grab his arm to stop him. He looks at you with an "are you sure?" look and you nod. "Kyle, what is there to explain. That youwere just making out with Bebe on the couch? Because I already know that. There is nothing to explain. I still haven't comprehended what I just saw but I know that when I do, just seeing your face will make me sick. Sometimes I have bad days, sometimes I am mean, sometimes I don't get a long with people. But if there is one thing in this world that I refuse to do, it's cheat on you. Obviously the way we veiw that is a little different." You tell Kyle, your words slow and low and too close to his face for comfort. You re about to slap but you decide enough is enough and you walk back to Clyde's car where he's leaning against the hood.

When you get in you feel freezing. You forgot your cardigan in the house. "Are you okay?" Clyde asks. "No." You answer honestly. "That was really shitty of him." He tries to lighten the mood but right now you just want to go home.

As he drives you feel so mad and weak and just plain disappointed. You never thought that Kyle would be the kind of person to cheat on someone. Maybe it was your fault for dragging him to the party. Even if that is true, he still did it and he would have done it, party or no. He cheated. And that's just not right,

When you get home, Clyde walks you to your door. Half because he's trying to be a gentleman, half because you can barely walk by yourself. "Thank you." You squeak. "No problem. We're going to get pizza tomorrow, I'll make sure Kyle wont be there, you should come, to get your mind off of things." He tells you, nervousness clear in his voice. "Yeah, Yeah I will." You reply and unlock your door.

You dpn't realize how tired you are until your head hits your pillow. Without taking any of your clothes or makeup off you lie in your single bed and finally, you cry. You cry harder than you ever have before, you cry so hard that it's hard to breath. Images of Bebe on top of Kyle flash in your mind until you finally fall asleep.

Kyle's P.O.V

"Dude. Weak." Stan says after you hear Cartman re-tell the story for the 50th time. "shut up Cartman." You groan. "How could you do that to her, Kyle?" Stan asks. "I don't know. But I need to find a way to explain, I love her dude." I tell them and mean it. I really do think I love her, the way she smiles, the way she fits right in with us, the way she makes me smile, the way she's not fraid to try new things. The list goes on and on. "If you really loved her, you woudn't have done that, man." Token says. I feel anger and pain dance in my stomach. The image of her sad face dance in my mind. I know she'd never cheat on me, and I think I may have just broken her heart. Now I need to figure out what to do next.

Normal P.O.V

When you wake up the next morning, your head is pounding. When you stand up you run to the bathroom and puke into the toilet. The worse part is when you look in mirror and see your face. You jump back ad wonder it's really you that's looking back.

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