1st cap.

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In a restaurant, of small looking, you and another person enter. Looking that new clients have arrived, the chef, welcomed you two and soon after asked what was your order, all of this while he was cooking another client order.
"Welcome, that'll it be?"
"The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light, for one." The person who was with you says.
"Grilled or broiled?", again the chef asked with a confident expression on his face.
"Grilled...over low flame, until cooked." The same person, yet again, says while doing a dramatic pause in the middle of the phrase.

Both of you then are guided to a door in the back of the restaurant.
There, the man who was with you, open the door and make a signal to you enter.
"One in a thousand. The odds you'd get this far, not bad...for your first run of the exam. Good luck with the rest of the way. And look me up the next year, won't you?". After this, he goes out, closing the door without letting you say something back.

Now, alone, you decide to explore your surroundings. You're in a room, with a table and some chairs, seeing that this was an elevator you sat in a chair that's in front of the floor counter.

After some time, the elevator stop and the doors open, revealing a gigantic tunnel. Going out you can feel some people staring at you, probably wondering who and how strong you were. Sadly for them, all that they could see was your hooded figure. Without being bothered with their stares you cause it was nothing compared to what you have received before, you stand there looking at some small being, who was making his way to you with buttons.

He gives you one with the 207 number, and then go away after telling you to always have them with you in a visible place.
One more time alone you decide to go to a quiet place, or at least were wasn't many persons.

You then lean against the wall and when you were to close your eyes to have some rest because even if someone tried something, with your guard always up, you would know and then you would be able to protect yourself, You hear someone making his way to you.

Looking in the direction of the sound you see some fat man coming to you with some false smile and a mischievous look in his eyes.

When he, now was in front of you he extend his hand to you.
"I haven't seen you around before. I'm Tonpa."
You continue how you were and don't say anything. Smiling awkwardly, Tonpa continues talking. "You can ask me anything...", seeing that you won't be talking soon, he started to feel impatient. "Oh, right...a little something to mark our acquaintance. How about it?"
You see that he is holding two orange juice cans in his hand.

You easily deduce that he probably has put something there, nobody goes to strangers and offers something for free, and it's more suspicious in an exam where everywhere is your enemy.
"I don't want.", your voice goes out sounding intimidating and low, muffled by your black mask and clothes.
Gaining one little stare by you, go away scared.

Finally, you close your eyes and rest a little before the start of the exam, still with your guard up.




You open your eyes to the sound of someone screaming, you look up to see someone screaming as he was watching his arms disappear into small sakura's petals.
Then you hear another person say, "oh, how peculiar...his arms seem to have become flower petals. No smoke and mirrors here. Do take care. When you bump into someone, you really should apologise.", and look at that person to see a man with his pink/red hair up and a smirk in his face paired with his mischievous look in his amber eyes.

Unfortunately for you, you know too well who that person is. Hisoka, the magician, or how you liked to call him the clown. How you hated him... and yet, you were there taking an exam where he was too.

You close your eyes again and try to ignore the presence of the clown who you hated, and started to wonder how you could avoid him.

One more time you open your eyes again to the sound of some alarm, to see a man in a suit, you couldn't see his features because of how distant you were.

"I apologise for the wait. The entry period for hunter applicants has ended. The hunter exam will now begin! A final caution. If you are sort in luck or ability, you could very well end up seriously injured or even dead. Those who accept the risks, please follow me. Otherwise, please exit via the elevator behind you.", he pauses to see if someone is going out and when he sees that nobody has moved, he continues. "Very well, all 404 applicants will participate in phase one.", and with that, he turns around and starts to walk.

You follow him with all of the other participants, some of them eyeing you curiously.

In some time, the pace started increasing and the persons around you started running while you were still walking, but this time fast.
You hear the voice of your first examiner, "I neglected to introduce myself. I am Satotz, the phase one examiner. I shall lead you to the exam's second phase.", and then, you hear another person ask about the first phase, who the examiner responds by saying that has already commenced. What made whispers going on in the crowd of people.

"You must follow me to phase two. This is the first phase.", the examiner continued and the same person from before asked again if it was just that. "Yes, I cannot tell you where or when you must arrive. You need to follow me." With that, the examiner stopped talking.

And the first phase started with all the participants running, now, including you, without knowing how far will you all have to run.

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