Chap. 10

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~• Frist day •~

From the moment you got on the Island, you searched every place you could lay your eyes on. Some may say you were being childish but you were angry with him.

Having to tolerate the assassin during all these years till now, has your hair growing white... Not really, but you were tired of his shit. That was enough reason to try to find him and give him a piece of your mind.

Alright, he was your partner for some years now, while on missions, yet he could be more annoying than the clown to you.

Yet, we know that you still prefer him as the jester. He could tease you all the time and be emotionless about it every time you get angry or embarrassed. But, he was still one of the few ones that you were comfortable enough to speak more and demonstrate your feelings, without fearing being a burner or being yelled at.

Maybe he was somewhat your friend in the end...or not... their family always says that they don't need friends so maybe Illumi doesn't consider you one. Well, whatever.

By now the sun has gone to rest on the horizon, the bright ball, claimed the sky to shine, yet now tired and in need of exit his stage. Performs the last exhibition of the day, the sunset, changing the colour of the sky as it pleases, going on an explosion of colours. It could take the breath of everyone watching, however, few are the ones who stop to admire it.

Sunsets are claimed as an everyday thing. It's always there but everyone is too busy in their lives to stop and appreciate such a beautiful natural display.

Oh, how people couldn't see such beauty saddened you, everyone, so busy...some surviving in this cruel world, while others are too obsessed with themselves or trivial materials and power. Of course, there are still people out there that don't blend in any of these types.

Some lives are a luxury to others, oh and speaking of lives, you should sleep and eat, you still have to find the needle man on the next day, ah we can't forget your target too.


•time skip•

~• second day •~

The night passes away in a hurry. Now, after some quick search for some fruits to eat for breakfast, you look around yourself.

...great, I'm lost...

Well, I guess you were too submerged in looking after the assassin in disguise that you lost your way around the island.
Honestly, dumb but maybe it was the best. This way you could find someone fun to fight or just mess with.

Time passes as you look around, walking between trees, jumping over some bushes and trying to not break, the occasional, dry sticks that lay on the ground.

Then you abruptly stop. You could swear that you had heard a voice, a familiar one at that.

Walking in the direction of the voice you watch as a dark green-haired boy swings his fishing rod over and over, getting birds and then freeing them again. He's training?

Then you notice another presence beside you trying to attack you with a club and instinctively you kicked his head with too much force, knocking the person out.

Oh well, it was self-defence so...
"Who's there??", the voice of the young boy interrupted your thoughts about what to do in the situation you were in.

"Who are you?", well, you could try to have some distraction from how bored you were at the moment so why not go and talk with him?

"Oh, you're that person that had cool movements!", his voice come out surprised and happy as soon as he saw your form walking off between some bushes.

You walked towards him.
"What you're doing here? Are you lost?", you sweatdropped at the curious boy, he was right hurt you a little.

"N-no, I'm not lost...", your voice trailed off as a gloomy aura surrounding you.
Your voice was low, but it looked like he still heard you as he started questioning you again.

"Oh, I see. What's your name then? I'm Gon, nice to meet you!"

"...y/n...", you were hesitant to say your name but the boy looked so innocent like a little cinnamon roll that you couldn't disappoint the expectant look on Gon's face.

And so the little sunshine beamed at the new information.
In a happy beam, he jumped a little before giving you his hand to shake.

"Oh...blood...", at your words, appeared that the boy finally realised that his hands were bloody by the fact he had been swinging his fishing rod so much.

While he was apologizing over and over for the fact he wasn't aware he had given you his hand to shake while it was all bloody, you took, off one of your inside pockets, some bandages and a cream to help to disinfect and cure faster his injuries.

"Here let me help you.", you walked closer to him and asked him to put one of his hands on yours so you could apply the cream and bandage them.

Hesitantly he did as you asked. And as you were concentrated on your job, he wondered about you. To him, you seemed a good person, well you were helping him right now so. But that wasn't all, his instincts said you wouldn't hurt him. Maybe it was the sadness on your e/c eyes or the tired aura you passed to him.

"Oh, thanks, that was nice of you."
You just nodded in response.

Taking some steps back you started to walk away, yet the voice of Gon stopped you.
"Hey, where are you going?"

Looking above your shoulder, without turning to him, you respond. "I'm going to look for my target, you should do that too.", and with that, you start walking again, looking in front, yet you stop for a second to say one last thing before you disappear between trees. "Don't forget to maintain your guard...we're hunting, as well, as we are being hunted..."

Your words danced on Gon's mind as he pouted. You had gone away as fast as you arrived.

Walking away from the green boy you were getting the impression that you were forgetting something, or better, someone. Yet as you couldn't remember what, you just shrugged it off, if it was important you would eventually remember...

(N/a: Hi there!!

Not me here, writing and not doing my school work :D...

Sorry for updating late, I'm getting a little overwhelmed with school and I got sick this past week so I couldn't update, but! I'm working on ideas for the next chapters! :]

Ahem, hope you like it. Thank you for voting and commenting, it makes me, really happy!

I need to go and do my school work now T^T...,

See ya, take care of yourselves!)

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