Chap. 20

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Despite the other two being somewhat against you joining them on their journey to get killua back to them, you still followed behind.

Gon tried to make conversation between the four but he did not succeed as much as he wanted, so in the end he opted for just talking while you gave a nod or so in between.

The group was going towards the library and while you could just say you knew the way and guide them there. That would be suspicious, so you just followed along with them and said nothing.

It was kinda funny to you to see Kurapika and Leorio's faces and his surprised reactions any time you did any movement.

They jumped at anything, anytime.

...finally, you all arrived at your goal and started to look around for a place to sit with a computer.

Kurapika ends up on the seat in front of it, Leorio on his right side and Gon on his left.
You just stayed beside Gon but with your back to the computer. As after all, you already knew the localizations and more than what's known of them.

"First, let's look up Kukuroo Mountain.", the oreo boy started.

"ok.", Kurapika started to enter the site of hunters, with his card. "Kukuro it is!" and as you can see he found it quite easily.

"Kukuro mountain, a 3,722 meter-high mountain, in the Dentora Region of the Republic of Padokea", the blond-haired boy read.

"the republic of Padokea? Never heard of it. Where is it?" Leorio mentioned.

"hold on. I'll bring up a map. This is the Republic of Padokea. It should be fine. It appears to be a stable country. It's open to tourists. ", Kurapika looked more into it.

"That's where we will find Killua?", Gon finally asked.

"by airship, it will take three days to reach...when do we leave?", the Kurta boy mumbled.

"Today! Right now!" Gon interrupted.

"Yeah, no objection from me.", Leorio affirmed and you nodded.

"Understood. I'll order tickets now."

And now on the way to the airship that would get you there. You guys were in a taxi. In the middle of the transit. Stopped.

Leorio, Gon and kurapika were in the back seats, while you were beside the driver in front of the blond-haired boy.

"what's going on? We've been stuck in one place forever." Leorio commented.

"This is bad. We'll be late for our flight.", the kurta boy said while looking at the time.

"pops! Do something!", oreo exclaimed.

"I'm afraid I can't help with this traffic. And this is the only road.", the driver lamented.

"In that case...!", Gon exclaimed.

... In the end, the solution Gon thought of was to run till there... :]

You sighed, you didn't want to run more than what you did during the exam...

"...hold on tight, snow...", you mumbled. One hand holding your inside pocket, gently to your chest.

"YAHOOOO!", Gon jumped and then continued to run.

"Hey, Gon! Do you know how far the airport is??" Leorio tried to scold Gon.

"I want to rescue Killua as soon as possible!" Gon replied.

Leorio and Kurapika just looked at each other and shared a smile.

"Fine, you win!" Leorio exclaimed.

"Running like this reminds me of the hunter exam.", kurapika commented and you just sighed without no one hearing.

"Yeah! This is nothing compared to the hunter exam." Gon chuckled.

" got that right! ", oreo replied.

"All right! Race you to the airport! Ready...GO!!", Gon exclaimed.


•Time skip•

While Gon was zoning out thinking about Killua. You, Leorio and kurapika got food. You had three bags of chips on your hands while Leorio had one and two drinks and kurapika had another two drinks.

"what's with the long face, Gon?", Leorio asked after feeding a chip to Gon.  While he had one in his mouth.

"we will be in the republic of Padokea by morning. You will see Killua soon.", kurapika affirmed.

"Yeah!", Gon ate the chip, smiling happily.

And that's how we ended up the night.
Honestly, you four had gotten more used to each other presence and the fact that you didn't talk much...

•next day•

You all were currently on a train arriving at the Dentora region of the republic of Padokea where Killua lives.

"I can already see it, the base for this family of assassins is on that mountain? It kinda looks creepy, huh?", Leorio mumbled while looking outside the window to his right.

"yes...once we reach our destination, we should start gathering information.", Kurapika said.

"Okay.", Leorio agreed.

After you took off from the train, the other three asked around for information. 

"The Kukuroo mountain? In that case, you should take the scenic mountain bus tour over there. The tour only runs once a day, but you'll have a guide to show you around." a lady from a shop said to you all.

And so you guys did exactly that. Got on that bus and was now on the way to the mountain.

"Thank you for choosing Lamentation Tours today. We will be making our way to Kukuroo Mountain, home to the famous Zoldyck family of assassins." the guide said.

You were sat beside Leorio, behind kurapika and beside him was Gon.
You were sitting with your eyes closed and your head hanging down. Almost sleeping.

"Look, those guys obviously, aren't tourists.", you heard Leorio mumble. He must be referring to the guys in the far back of the bus. Kurapika agreed with him.

"All right, everyone, over to your Kukuroo Mountain, where it is said the Zoldyck family lives. A forest surrounds the 3,722-meter-high mountain and the Zoldyck estate is somewhere on that mountain. But no one has ever actually seen it. The Zoldyck family includes ten members: a great-grandfather, grandfather, grandmother, father, and mother, and then, there are five siblings. All of them are assassins.! Then let us approach the mountain a little more.", the guide continued.

And after that, you kinda dozed off...

And you just woke up when the bus come to a stop.

Finally, almost there again...



(n/a: Yo, everyone!

Haha...ha...IM SORRY!!!

Time passed so quickly. Goddayum.
I did not expect it to take this much time on being able to update...T^T

I hope you guys can forgive me;-;...

I hope everyone is okay, at the moment, my dear life, feels like a rollercoaster. Good thing I don't fear heights!!! (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)

Anyways, I'll see you guys in the comments, see ya~

Take care of yourselves<3 )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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