chap. 7

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(N/a: Hellow, Hellow! Okay, that remembered me of the music 'Mr. Forgettable' by David Kushner.

Well, Hi there, I know I'm a little late but here we are.
I got a little busy with school work.
But soon I'll be on school break for Easter, yeii!
I guess I'll be back then.

See ya, take care of yourself, you all!)

"My mane is Lipo and I'm the prison warden here, as well as the Third Phase examiner.
Multiple routes through this tower have been prepared. You have chosen the path of lies.", a man's voice sounded from a little box with a microphone on the wall by your right side.

"You need to take the bracelet in front of you before we start."
After the bracelet is on your wrist, a door appears in front of you.

The door, in silver colour, has a digital panel with two choices on them. "Press "O" to open the door and "X" to stay it closed and desist."

With the "O" bottom pressed, the door opens with a small sound of metal moving against the rocky ground.

Proceeding inside you can see a hallway going down. So with a last look at the room behind you, to make sure you haven't left anything important there, you make your way down.

Time passes as you walk, it seemed that you were walking for hours, but as you look at the bracelet on your wrist, you can see that just 20 min has passed.

More 10 min...

And two doors finally come into sight, you observe them.

One has an "X" drawn on them with black paint, it is the door more to your left, with the phrase 'This goes to the end of the phase'. While the door is more to your right, has an "O" with the same black paint as the other one and the phrase 'This way you will find death'.

Okay, to you it looks easy. If this is the path of lies then you should choose the right door.

So you do choose that door.

Opening the door you can see that the room in front of you is filled with mirrors, you can see your image in front of you.

As you step inside the room you look around you, just to see more mirrors, before your eyes rest again in your reflection.

You observe your dark long robe and how your hood hides away your face and hair, just showing your black mask beneath your tired (e/c) eyes. 

The same eyes that see your reflection show your death...

You see the blood making your clothes dark red...

You hold your breath at the sight...

Looking up at the reflection of what's behind you...

You see a person in ballet clothes stabbing you in your back.

...wait, WHAT? Oh no, no no no... This isn't right, how can you be stabbed without noticing no one behind you? Huh? And without feeling pain or the blood soaking your clothes? I'm so sorry maybe I have made a mistake...

Or not.

You look at your clothes to not see any blood, so you look behind you and you can't see anyone.

Looking back at the mirror it's still reflecting your 'death'.

Then you conclude that what the mirror shows is false, how smart of you. :]

As you walk around the room, looking for a door to continue in your merry way, you see various scenarios of you dying and other things and people, tho it's weird because some things are so obviously false as it is you in weird situations like running away from your 'mom' or confession your love for someone.

Oh, may I say that your coat and hood are still there? It's like watching a hooded figure acting strange. Like death trying to be normal without their scythe...


You finally found a door, after ignoring a lot of weird sceneries...

Opening the door, that wasn't locked, by the way, you come to a grey small room like the one from the start of this phase.

Looking around you catch a glimpse of a figure standing there.

His strange figure with needles stuck in his skin and clothes screamed who the person was.

"Alright, I see you have met, now please continue your way together.
You two need to work together till the end of this phase exam, as forward, this path will be focused on cooperative skills you may have.", Lipo's voice stopped after his little speech and you walk some steps more to the room to be in front of the needle man.

Both of your eyes met in a battle of stares.
After some seconds of silence, you finally decide to speak, "let's try to not make a mess."

"... Ok... I don't want what happened the last time to repeat.", he answered.

"For the last time, you started it. It happened because you wouldn't stop making fun of my disguise, I'm sorry if I can't use your technique and just can use normal disguises!"


"... Ahem, let's go..."


After discussions and some bothersome obstacles, you and your 'partner' arrive at some kind of arena.

A round arena isolated stood between where you two stood and two hooded persons.

"In this place, you have to win the fight.
It'll be a 2 vs 2.
You may decide on additional rules between you all.
The other two persons on the other side are criminals.
Oh, and one hour of yours here reduces one year of their sentences, just so you know."

Here we go, another announcement from your examiner and you just want this to end already.

A metal passageway appears and makes its way to unite the arena with the hallway you are in. The same seems to happen on the other side.

As you two and the two criminals walk to the arena in the middle. You hear one of them start to laugh.

"Well, well, look at that. If it's not a weird man in needles and a little kid.", the taller one said.
"Fufufu, that's just rude."

What a weird pair, and what? Little...kid?
You sweatdropped.

"They called you a kid. And short.", the needle man commented.

An irked mark appeared on your head.
"Shut. up. I'm not even that short, I just have a bad posture most of the time...", you mutter under your breath, just loud enough for Gittarackur to hear.

"Let's start some fun!", and with that, the two criminals in front of you took their hoods off.

"Do you want to make it short or do you want to play a little?", the man beside you asked glancing down at you.

"I'm a little lazy, so let's end this quickly."
You said.
Stopping to think, I talk a lot when this guy is here...


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