chap. 13

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Days have passed since you got your six points and meet killua. What you did in all this time, I don't even know. But for sure maybe being lazy or just taking a semi-vacation. After all in your job carrier, you couldn't have one in a while. Wow, when was the last time? Who knows...

I was soooo wrong...
It was too good to think I could have peace of mind here...TT - TT
Look I might not be the smartest person there is outside but I got my little genius moments. I don't consider myself dumb...well not at all of the time. Anyways...


Listen I was in my very merry way before a snake man come in, alright maybe I got a little of fault for hiding my aura and all but holy moly money, what the heavens? Look I was eating some well-deserved candy/sweets, cough chocolate cough, but not only did that guy make me trapped here with him...

BUT WITH SNAKES TOO??...wait...snakes aren't that bad...but I don't like them near me, thank you very much!

It's not like I will die cause of them, but who would know where they crawled?? Like no thanks, I'm good.

But whatever.

I don't plan on hurting animals snakes are included but...I'm not staying here and failing the exam.

While you were in your internal monologue, a white gas started to fill up the cave.

All this started with the thought that, as there was just more, I dunno, one more day and this exam phase would end. You were confident in taking a while to relax and yes you did choose a cave to eat your precious chocolate...

Well, now you see, without noticing your presence, that person entered the cave to wait and get the person who was following him, and as well, trap them in.

So a trap was prepared and all that was left was to wait for the prey to fall into the arms of death. Yet what hasn't expected was that the girl who was following the guy had sprayed sleeping gas into the entrance.

This resulted in making the snake guy fall asleep. You didn't cause mild in your dramatic monologue you saw the white smoke by the side of your eye. And quickly held your breath in.

Taking the opportunity you stepped into the shadows of the cave. Although you were in a surprising and not planned situation you were interested in what could happen.

Once it was safe to breathe again, you could feel the aura of the girl walking inside the cave.

Soon enough you could see a girl with a big yellow hat with white flaps, she wore a salmon blouse, pale yellow pants, and orange flats. Her hair was sea-green in colour while her eyes were forest green.

Without seeing your form, she walks directly to the man in front of her. But before she can touch him, snakes start to try and bite her.

Getting caught in surprise she lets a scream escape while jumping away in a quick reflex. And at their master's scream, bees start to get out of the hat and bite the man in front of them, as well as the supposed cause of their master's sudden panic.

Luckily as you were at a safe distance from them, you didn't get bitten by the bees.
But unfortunately, for the man, he died.

"Oh my, now it seems we are stuck here together.", your voice dripping with sarcasm, startles the girl.

"Wh-", she starts to talk but stops as she sees that you aren't giving her attention.
Nope, at the moment all your attention was on the chocolate in your hands... do I eat it without taking my mask off?...

Easy daisy, you get a small cub of the sweet/candy and get your mask a little longer off your face. Not taking it up but in a way, you get some space between your mouth and mask. You eat the chocolate in that way. I don't know how to explain it exactly but in that way, Ponzu couldn't see your face.

The two stayed in silence. Bothe sitting in front of each other yet away from the dead man. Each one is in their corner.
You were sitting by the left side of who enters the cave. While the girl was on the opposite side of you, observing with her guard up.

"Why are you here?", the voice of the girl in front of you reaches your ears.

"Tell me that. I was here already.", you scoff.



In the meantime, you took a nap.
And, after some hours, steps could be heard.

"Isn't that Bourbon?", opening one of your eyes to the new person there you get to view the old man who isn't so old. Here we got our oreo boy huh?

"I'm guessing that. I'm your target?"
"Ponzu!", Leorio swings his knife while taking some steps back.
"There's no point in us fighting."
"I have everything to gain. It's just as you're my target!"
"Sigh let's pretend that a miracle occurs, and you defeat me. You still won't be able to leave this cave."

As Leorio knows that there's a snake trap he tries to warn his two friends, who are waiting for him outside, to not come in.

But as they hear him, they quickly come inside getting to see that oreo boy on the ground. A lot of snake bites showing to everyone. And some pieces of snakes buddies that had been cut in front of him.

The tension starts to get heavy in the air as the two boys look around and observe the situation.

"Awnnnn boy, that was a good nap." You get up. Right, it's boring to play the mysterious role. So why not break off the role a little and play for a while?

Both of them exclaimed surprised.

"Oh, you're that girl!", Gon exclaims pointing at you.

You just show a smile with your eyes.


(N/a: alright, don't mind me. I'm just passing to say that I'm being lazy...and that the next chapter may be late. :]
Haha, so... Hope you like this chapter, it may not be the best but oh well.
Take care of yourselves ✧
Bye bye!)

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