Chap. 14

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For a while, the three friends shared a sentimental moment.

You didn't want to interrupt but you should start to go to where the boat would get the examiners...

But as you watch Gon so desperately trying to save oreo boy...
Alright, you know what, let's help them one last time and then I'm done.

As you approach the corpse, incoherent murmurs could be heard from you, "I don't even know them, come on (y/n), come to your senses. There's no point in helping them all the time when you don't know if they would do the same. Hell, maybe they wouldn't even think about it as all the others didn't.", well you could hear it if you were waiting for them but the other persons were too focused on the dying friend and their discussion for that.

As you are a few inches/cm from the corpse, some snakes started to hiss at you, preparing to attack.

In one more second, your body is engulfed in its forms. Yeah sure, you weren't having fun there. You could feel their frustrated bites over all your skin. Why? Why you weren't going down and stopping touching their master things? For them, a normal human couldn't resist all their poison together.

Getting the antidote and the card with his number, you take some steps back and the snakes let you go. Yet one of them made your hood fall as it fell on the ground, holy cow.

You (h/c), (h/l) locks, swung in the air in a dancing movement.
If the attention of the other four individuals in the place weren't on you before that. Then now, for sure it was. Your hair that shined in the light of the lamp was a little sneak on the mystery of your appearance.

Looking back at them, you tilt your head to the side a little. "What?", you murmur, loud enough to wake them of their trance.

"Why...? How...?!", the blond boy let out.
"hm? Oh, I was getting bored.", your voice, nor your expression has any emotion and even if for them you sounded like you were saying the truth. After the last encounters with you, they didn't want to think bad about your intentions.

"And...I was already here before you all?"


"Anyways, here, take this!" You gave the antidote with the two syringes you found to Kurapika and then the badge to Gon. Both catch the items easily. "So I'm going no-"

You're interrupted before you can walk away. Gon had walked to you with worry expressed on his face while Kurapika attended Leorio, and in all this Ponzu looked amused yet perplexed by what was happening in front of her.

"Kurapika give her the antidote too!", Gon shouted.

"I'm fine...I'm good without it."

"Are you sure?"
"There's more than necessary for you too."

"Poison doesn't affect me. And as you can see I'm perfectly fine.", you sweatdrop at them.

Sometime after, Leorio is sleeping on the ground looking better already.

"Ne! Do you have any sleeping gas left?", Gon asked Ponzu.
"I do..."
"Would you trade for this?", Gon then shows her the badge.
"Ah! That's Bourbon's!"
"This gives you six points, right?"
"Yes, that's right. But what are you going to do with the sleeping gas?"

"To get out here.", you respond before Gon.
"Sleeping gas goes puff and all the snake's sleepy sleep and we bye-bye.", you respond again in a mocking tone.

"It'd be more effective than when I sprayed the gas from outside. Within five minutes, the entire cabe will fill with gas, and the snakes will be asleep. But it'll take five minutes! No one can hold their breath that long. There's no point if we put ourselves to sleep in the process." While bee girls start to ramble, Gon stretches.

"Nine minutes and forty-four seconds."
"That's my record. I'll hold my breath and carry everyone out of here."

"Sigh, I'll help... And don't even start with 'how I know you won't run away alone and left us behind and blah blah blah' listen you need to trust us if you wanna get outside and even if we let you here then soon enough, as you said before, the examiners will come to get you."
"So what you choose missy?", you ask smiling with your eyes.

Oh, and I advise you to remind yourself to put your hood back again before you exit the cave.
You nod, agreeing with me.

Ahem, back to the story.

Ponzu looks between the determined look in Gon's eyes and your bored one. Finally, she agrees while shining and nodding with a small smile on her face.

"Alright, let's prepare to go out...even if It wasn't for Gon I was already out...", you exclaim, yet the last part is no less than a murmur.

Ponzu prepares the sleeping gas.
"It's ready."

"On our signal, release the gas." You and Gon say at the same time. What makes you both look at each other and laugh a little.

"Got it"

"1, 2...3!", you two count and prepare yourselves to get the max of air in your lungs as possible.

You weren't worried that you couldn't make it even without taking a deep breath, but oh well, it make you think of this as a race which made it funny to you.

As both of you made signals to Ponzu that you two were ready. She let the gas go off.

As five minutes pass you lock eyes with Gon and both nod.

So you get Kurapika on one of your shoulders and Leorio on the other.  While Gon gets Ponzu.

And then you and Gon get out of the cave with the other sleeping.
As soon as you all got outside you let your breath go and hear Gon gaps happily.

You then lay both Kurapika and Leorio on the grass and stand up. And put your hood up as you had forgotten to do that before...

"Well, I'll leave Bourbon's tag with you, so the examiners will find you. If I give Leorio your tag, he'll have six points and pass. Consider it the fee for carrying you out of there. Sorry." Gon finishes his speech to the bee girl by winking while he sticks his tongue out.

You laugh to yourself.
How amusing.


                 ... I'm telling ya that I wasn't planning to make another chapter today...or so soon actually...

Thank you for all the support, kindness and patience!! 🤧✨

You guys are the best istg! Your comments just make my day, I try to write a response to all I can, and if I don't...well, I curse my introverted self...

But, seriously...idk when I'm gonna make the next is for real.

...oh and the fact I didn't introduce myself is dancing on my mind so...

Nice to meet you all, you can call me Mel! (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Take care of yourselves and bye-bye everyone!)

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