chap. 6

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After the presentation of Netero and his secretary, everyone has gone to the dining hall to eat their food, before going to rest.

You just followed, got your food and got away to a quiet place to eat alone.

Coincidentally or not you sat in the ground of a hallway besides, where you think is the place where the examiners eat.

You could hear vaguely their conversation. Even with the walls, after your previous training and past experiences, you could still head them even if it was just some words.

"...u pass th... exam?"
"Yep. Th..., we have an Th...i...fall them poi..."
"But...pend...on what the...ming...has...consi...of?

Curious, you stayed to hear, maybe you could find good clues to the exam up ahead.

"That's tr...but di...u...notice it? One...had...this whole...aura thin...oing on."
What...u..nk, Satotz?"

"Ha! So yo... agr...? shot.", the ninja guy?
"I...ial...#99.", then, Killua.
"He brat. What...u thin...Buhara?"
"...isn't...rookie...#44 I...vor. I...u...ticed... When really"

You weren't surprised that the clown was eager to kill someone. Hisoka is obsessed to fight and seeing blood. But the fact that one of the examiners had taken a liking to him was sure unexpected...or not if you consider that he's stronger than the other concurrents.

"...lar expe...ce. He care...y monitored. Tho...pains this...we are birds...feather...him. stronger."

Other sounds than voices come to your ear.
Two steps, four steps, six steps...two people were walking at where you were.
Quickly you finish your food and put your mask on again.

"My~ My~, look what we found~."
"We need to talk."

There stood one clown who says he's a magician and an assassin in disguise.
For ice cream and watermelons sacks, can I run away or both of them die?... No? Damn...

As soon as you can, your back to your feet.
"I don't have anything to say to you.", you mumble.

"Why are you here? You said you weren't interested in the hunter exam or killua.", you could feel the death glare from the assassin.
Hisoka just stood there smirking as he watched.

"...not everything is what you think. I just need it for a job..."

Getting a glimpse at Hisoka, you see that he's looking at you while licking his lips.
Hell Nah! You quickly grab your things and run away.
You made sure that they weren't coming after you and that not even a bit of bungee thing or a needle was on you.

Relief washed over you as soon you make sure you were safe from the stares of the clown.


Some time passed and you found a place to sit in front of the windows of the airship in a hallway.

Looking for the auras of the two that you encountered before, you notice they both look like they found a room to sleep in, distant from where you are.

Feeling more comfortable, you look at the night city. They were so pretty, like little jewels below you.

Times pass as you continue to admire the lights and the dark sky.

Then, out of nowhere, you feel bloodlust. The responsible coming in your direction.
And when you were to stand up and walk away, two guys walked past you and bumped into the bloodlust person.

They were killed, in seconds after they called and tried to fight with that person.

Then, you notice the one who killed them was Killua, you looked at him, your eyes wide. You stand up.

"Why kill them?", the words come out of your mouth before you could stop them.

He locked eyes with you, his expression of bloodlust and anger. "Who are you?", he ignored your question.

"You should take a break. I'm not going to hurt you unless you try to do something.", your voice was low and calm and that appeared to make him more irritated.

"Who are you?!", his expression looked like he could go insane now and there.

The bloodlust he was throwing at you was nothing, compared with what you had faced in your past. So you weren't even faced by that.

Yet, seeing as he wasn't in his right mind. You decided to make him come back and if a gentle way wasn't working then you would force him.

"Quiet.", with the sound of your voice and little bloodlust of yours directed to him, made killua freeze in his place.

Walking till you are beside him, both of you side glaring at each other.
"You should rest. And remember why you run away from your home.", you whispered in his ear before disappearing.

You watched from behind a wall how the white-haired boy stood there, your words resonating in his mind.

Question after question lands on his mind.
Who were you? Why haven't you killed him? How do you know who he is? Has he encountered you before? You are a spy from his family?
So many questions that he couldn't answer.

At that place and time, he decided to confront you and get the answers he wanted...


After that encounter with Killua, you got a place to sleep in. With your guard still up, and your hood hiding the little light that still insists on entering the room.

You close your eyes and try resting your mind and body a little.

Hours, minutes and seconds pass and the airship is arriving at the wished destination.
Then as it is announced that we got to the place where the 3rd phase was going to happen, all the aspirants at hunters got to the big windows to watch a giant tower in view.

As soon as the airship stops in the ground and everyone is out, the green Secretary coughs to get the attention to speak.

"Everyone, the exam's Third Phase will begin here, at the top of Trick Tower. To pass this phase, you must reach the tower's base alive. The time limit is seventy-two hours. With that, we will now begin the Third Phase. I'll pray for your success."

Then the airship got away.

Some tried to climb down the tower and got eaten alive by baby flying monsters.
They are creepy, not gonna lie to you.

You calculated that there were traps on the ground. Cause if not, then there wasn't a way down.

And as you stopped to watch the others, you unexpectedly, started to fall.
Falling in your two feet, crouched and a hand on the ground.

You look around to see that you are in a room with nothing more than a camera high on a wall and a monitor with a small table and a bracelet.

So the 3rd phase begins...


(N/a: Hellow, Hi there!
I'm glad you all, like this story so far. I know I have been a little slow with the updates, please have some patience with me!
I will try to update more, but I can't promise anything...haha...
Well, stay well, bye bye~)

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