Chap. 8

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"Little kid, you still can run away if you're scared.", the taller man, made fun of you again. Oh, how you wanted to rip off that smirk of his, maybe even make him beg for his life.

"Don't worry, I won't run away, I still need to take your head so I can be able to sleep peacefully."

You take upon yourself the first fight.
You were irritated by that Illumi without end, so this guy talking about your height and calling you a kid, really got you off your way.

"And listen here, I'm not a little kid. Fuck my disguise and all this quiet and mysterious persona, I'm gonna kill you!"

And with that, you take your coat off and let it rest by the wall, waiting for when you came back. You're (h/c) hair, now free from the hood swayed side to side.

A smirk played on your lips from anger, yet it still couldn't be seen as your mask was still on your face.

You walk to the middle of the arena. And look eyes with the tall man in front of you. His green eyes are wide and his mouth is open. Shock is evident in his expression. The same goes for his companion.

"So you were a girl all this time? How sad I need to fight you, maybe if you give up we can have some fun and I don't kill you, huh? What ya say, little pretty thing?"

"Fuck off, you ugly bag of bones. Just my luck for you to be a pervert too. There aren't any more civilized criminals nowadays."

"What you called me, you slut?"

"Don't call me a slut, you bitch! I'm definitely, not yours to call me that."

Furious the man runs at you, prepared to punch you in your face.
You lazily dodge and make him fall to the ground by putting a leg in front of one of his.

"You're awfully weak, Ya know that?", taking your sweet time, you turn around to Gittarackur, "say again, what did the guy say we needed to do?"

"That's why you mess every mission, you forget things easily...he said that we needed to win a two vs two."

"Oh, really? Well, I'll deal with it so just sit back.", you decide to ignore his comment.

The guy now standing up on his feet again, charges at you aiming for your stomach this time.

At a good speed, that wasn't easily seen, you pressed some points in his arms and legs while dodging his attacks.

"Hey man, don't take all the fun just to yourself!", the other guy quickly comes at you aiming at your throat.

You just take a step to the side, which is followed by a spin, your movements making you look like you are dancing while dodging the attacks of both.

Gittarackur just stood some meters away, while observing the fight.

Suddenly you stop in front of the two prisoners and show them a little doll.
It was a cute (f/c) chubby doll, well kinda like a cursed doll but still cute. It was the same size as your hand.

"Hi, nice to meet ya, I'm a big ugly bad guy and I'm going to kill ya!", you said in a joking manner. While you were talking you made the left arm of the cute doll wave and as if it was an image of a mirror, the left arm of the taller criminal waved back at you. "Now...shall we play together?"

A devilish smile appeared on your face as you looked at them.
Oh, how bad luck come to them, now they would pass not a so fun time...


"W-what have y-you done to me???", his desperate voice resonated in the room.

Cries and screams of his companion could be heard as the taller one punched, cut off his members and stabbed him. The little doll doing the same movements as the taller guy.

What a scene, two friends and companions of crime, one killing the other, a friend being killed by his friend. Oh, how traumatic to them.

With the blood of his friend painting his face, a traumatic and broken expression could be seen now with complete control of his facial muscles.

The absolute terror was expressed in his eyes. The same happens to his friend.

If you were a sadist maybe you would find it quite amusing, yet you just thought of it as pathetic.

Getting bored of this quickly. You played with the doll to kill some imaginary being in front of it, followed by the gestures of the doll killing itself.

You looked at the now two dead bodies in front of you. Pathetic was the only word dancing in your mind as your gaze stayed a little before it turned to your partner of this phase.

"Should we go now?", you lazily said before going to pick up your coat from the ground.

"You said you wanted to end it quickly, yet you took your sweet time.", his strange voice could be heard approaching you.

"I was angry.", you put on your coat and hood again and started to walk out of the room.
With Gittarackur following right behind your small figure.

•Time skip•

Finally, after walking till you were deadly bored again, you come up to see a door that leads you to the end of the phase.

"Oh, go on first, I need to tie my boots."

"... Alright.", at that Gittarackur exists first.

"#301, Gittarackur, it's the second to pass. Total time, twelve hours and two minutes."

"I figured you'd already crossed the finish line.", you hear Gittarackur say with his weird ways. Probably to Hisoka.

"All right!", suddenly a voice evolved in contentment can be heard.
"Hanzo, applicant #294, is the third to pass. Total time, twelve hours and three minutes."
"I'm the first to finish!!...huh? No! I don't believe this... I came in third.", just to quickly sound disappointed.

Ready, you stand up, checking if everything is in order and finally step inside the room.

"#207, Y/n, is the fourth to pass, total time, twelve hours and four minutes."

"Hm~, I see you two took this phase together~. So sad I hadn't got the little puppeteer~."

"...", your face demonstrated disgust if seen...


(N/a: Hiii, there! So, so, how ya all doing?
I got really lazy and boom, the time passed so fast. God this week I start school again... T ^ T

...well, about this chapter... I may or may not write it in the middle of the hope it's not that bad... :D

Then, I'll get going, take care of yourself, see ya!)

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