chap. 11

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Running a little to keep your body warm and ready to fight at any moment, you find Kurapika and Leorio.

Getting by surprise you stop a moment in front of them. They were talking to each other and it looked like you weren't spotted yet.

So trying to demiss a social encounter and small talk or even fighting them, you turn around to go in another direction.

But your dreams were stopped to be accomplished. Why? The blond kurta stopped you from that.

"Who are you?!"

Why does everyone ask me that?
Sweeardroping you think what to do.
I mean you could go away and not even say anything to them.

Yet the intense glares of the two teens in front of you made you uncomfortable to do that.

"I...don't want to fight you.", your gaze locks with the brown/grey contact lenses of the blond teen.

Suddenly, a bloodlust could be felt coming towards where you three stood. A familiar bloodlust.

"Oh no...", you mutter under your breath.


After a voice can be heard behind you, you turn around and come face to face with Hisoka, in his normal attire, standing close to the tree behind you, while his back is leaning on the tree, a cart in hand.

"Imagine meeting you here..."

"I keep running into people I don't want to encounter.", oreo boy's voice reaches you, your back to them.

"You see, I need two more points. Could you give me your tags?", Hisoka walks to them.

But before passing you, he stops and you two side glance at each other. Mude questions resound between your glares.

A warning glare from you and a mischievous from him.
Clearing knowing it won't go well to fight the clown at a time like this. You walk to a tree to lean there. If needed you would go in and stop or at least try to gain some time for the duo.

Sure, you didn't feel like you should help them as you did back in the first phase but, you could feel a weak sound of breathing. A nervous one. Sure it was hard to hear it but you were sure you weren't hearing things.

Your insanity wasn't that bad to start. And you were calculating it was Gon trying to get Hisoka tag as he's hunting the clown.

So you weren't risking making the little boy see his friends get hurt and killed or even letting him lose his chance just to help his friends.

"What was that?! Screw that! I'm not gonna..."
"Leorio!", Kurapika stops Leorio and then turns to Hisoka, "you said that you need two additional points. Which implies that we are not your targets, correct?"

"I'm the one who's asking the questions here. Will you give me your tags or not?"

"That depends. We currently have four tags.  Mine, my target, Leorio's and a tag worth only a single point to us. Of these only two could be the number of your target. Mine, or the tag that's only worth a single point. Leorio's number is #403. He was the target of #16, Tonpa. And my target was #16. Each person was assigned a different target, so #16 and #403 are out."

"Indeed...", Hisoka takes a step closer to them and they take one back. "Neither of those is my target. So? That leaves the other two. If you're willing to take the tag worth only one point to us and leave, you can have it."


"But I will not let you have mine. And the same goes for the other two. If you insist on taking them by force, you'll have to fight me!"

Kurapika and Leorio prepare themselves to fight. But before anything happens, you are beside Hisoka in a flash of sound.

You do a little gesture with your hand indicating to him to get to your height. He does as you ask.

"I know how you think. I too know that that card their talking about is not your target. But I'm sure you won't want them to die so soon right? So, step away, go along with the deal and don't touch them...oh, by the way, the kurta could be useful to your plan later.", your voice at a low level can't reach the teen boys and that just makes them more on edge. "And control your bloodlust, it's creepy." And so you take two steps back.

With a hand on his face, his little insane chuckle reaches you three. "Sure, you have a deal. I'll only take the one tag.", Hisoka makes then a little magic trick and makes the card in his hand disappear.

Kurapika then proceeds to put the tag on a crack on the wall. "I'll leave it here."

"Don't worry. I'll be standing here for a while."

The duo then walks away.
After some time, the clown began to laugh to himself again and talk about why unripe fruits were so tantalising or something like that.
He takes the tag from the tree to find out you were right, it wasn't his target tag.

"It still amuses me how you know everything~."

"...I'm going now...", and with that, you disappear from there. Still hearing the creepy chuckles from the insane magician.

An intense bloodlust makes chills run over your back. "That damn clown...I said to control himself, ew, disgusting.", you mutter while walking faster away. 

•time skip•

Hours later. You're still walking to a destiny not known.

You find yourself in a dark and dense forest, the last few lights of the moon can't reach the ground with the dense amount of tree leaves that dance with each other.

There are still some days left before this exam phase ends. Yet you still didn't have your prey tag and didn't get to find Illumi yet. Knowing the assassin, he would probably be in his little hole sleeping his days off. How dirty it is to sleep there, yet he still did it as if it was normal, well it was at least, normal to him and his family I guess.

As the day had ended, the sky had become dark blues and purples, but now, stars took guard in the sky, yet it was a shame that you couldn't see them from the ground.

So you decided to climb up to the top of a nearby big tree that was beside you.
Climbing the tree was fairly easy for you, as you were accustomed to climbing bigger obstacles or places.

Getting to the top, the beautiful scenery welcomed you. From the ground, it was impossible to see it, but where you stood now, at the top of the huge tree. The stars, constellations and galaxies could be seen. Sure you did have a quite good eye to see every detail, but there? It was like you were so close to touching the sky, to how high you were.

Mesmerizing the spectacle in front of your tired eyes, your expression of awe made clear your amusement.

Yet such a perfect moment was destroyed by a little animal falling on your face.

A deadpan expression was present on your face as you tried to take the little animal from your face.

"Sigh, I did miss you too...", your voice come out muffled.

I see, the next day will be chaotic.


(N/a: look who's here! Did I come early? Late? Idk, but hi hello there.
I just took a break from school projects and why not write a new chapter? So here you go, hope you like and thank you for your amazing support, votes and comments, oh, oh, and thank you for adding my book to your lists. I'm so glad you all like this book so much.

Right, a little question, do you guys want a little bonus moment once a time? I'm thinking about some and I was wondering if you would like it!

I'm going now, let me know what you all think. Take care of yourselves and bha-bye!)

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