Chap. 16

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As the first rays of light choose your eyes to dance open to. Your first reaction was to move away from the bright light that even with your eyes closed, couldn't leave you alone.

Yet as if the light was running after you, in a game of tag, the rays of the natural light stayed on your face making you wake up to the world.

Following the motion of opening your eyes, comes the one of closing them, all because of the sudden pain the light inflicted.

With a groan, you shield your eyes with your dominant hand. And seconds after the pain subsided you opened your eyes again.

The view in front of you made you become in a state of awe.

Right in front of you, the tree branches filled with their leaves give you a fantasy feeling, with rays of light coming into your encounter. And the birds singing in the background, accompanied by their little dances in the air.

Moments like this one made your world look like coming out of a book, a fantasy, a dream...

Letting your hand try to touch that beautiful scenery, something impossible, it was a lot higher than it looked from your laying position. But that just made everything look more like a fairy tale. Something so precious looking but so fair to obtain, something that you could just admire.

You were greedy to have it. Something precious to have. Well, you didn't know what you really, wanted. But you for sure desired something you couldn't have, well aren't all humans greedy?

Yes, you weren't a good person, maybe not just the world's fault but maybe yours too, as, after all, you choose to go this way.

You could have given up that day...yet you didn't.

You decided to stop the running thoughts. You had more to take care of right now.

Standing in a sitting position you put again your hood on. It must have fallen off while you were asleep.

Looking back at the young boy and the two teens you notice they are in deep sleep.
And all the talk about guarding.

A small laugh escapes your masked lips.
He must have been tired, he's strong for his age.

Searching for any danger around you, and seeing everything is fine. You take your bag with you and climb to the tree beside your temporary bed of the past night.

When you got found a good branch to sit.
You take off your mask and start eating your breakfast. Some fruit, apples, cherries, oranges, berries, anything you had found you got.

Snow that was sleeping inside a crack in the tree a while ago, had climbed with you to the branch you were now sitting.

As they were watching you cut your fruit they looked extremely excited to eat some of it, so you gave them little pieces. 
And after they ate everything, they go into your pocket to sleep again.

As you eat the rest of your food- some were still saved for later - you looked over the new information you had. It looked like there were still some- more than you thought would be - people who had passed. 

As you put your mask on again and were almost finished guarding your things you notice movement below you.

"Gon, who you're looking for?", you hear Oreo's voice.

"They're not here...", Gon murmurs while looking around, voice sounding worried, yet he then suddenly stops and looks up.

Your (e/c) eyes meet hazel brown ones.
A frown can be seen on the boy's face, while on yours, even if just your eyes can be seen, your gaze transmitted the curiosity and confusion you were feeling at the moment.

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