chap. 9

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(N/a: Hi there, everyone! So I finished this chapter early so here we go!
Thank you everyone for the voting and the comments it makes my day. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Oh right, can't forget, I was bored and decided to do some sketch of how I see y/n without her hood and coat on. It's on the media, I'm fairly new to digital art so I'm sorry if it's not that good, yet it was more for fun so I think it's okay.
You can view it as you and use it as your reference, just imagine it with your characteristics.

Well, take care of yourself and see ya!)

The waiting time for the 3rd phase to end was filled with you ignoring a certain pair.

Now as soon as the waiting time has got to a stop, you got up from where you were sitting and walked out of the room.

Instantly the other twenty-four applicants who had passed the exam's third phase exit Trick Tower, one by one, for a long-awaited breath of fresh air.

With the flow of the wind your hood dances with it, so you grab the edge with your dominant hand to stop it from falling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on having escaped Trick Tower."
Your attention is driven to the person who started talking.

You eyed the man curiously, he had his hair cut in a mohawk, that was dyed a purple colour. As his big rectangle glasses hide his eyes, a smirk was present on his face.

"Only the Fourth phase and the Final phase remain.", appointing at the island, behind him, that looked so small from where you all were, he continued. "The fourth phase will take place over there, on Zevil island. Let us proceed!"

As the guy snaps his fingers, another man, taller than the Mohawk guy, places a box in front of the applicants.

"I need you to draw lots."

"For what?"
Murmurs could be heard from the crowd.

"To determine who will hunt and who will be hunted.", his eyes reveal to be in a semi moon shape. Pointing to the box beside him he proceeds in explaining, "in here are twenty-four numbered cards. In other words, your ID numbers are on the cards. Now, I need you each to draw a card, in the order by which you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward?"

Soon enough, Hisoka walks to the box and takes a card. Followed by Gittarackur and after him was your turn.

You walk to the box, pausing for a second, your eyes observe the box, it looks like it has a sensor, so nobody can cheat and falsified their cards. That's useful for the examiners but not for the applicants.

You always had bad luck with things like this, but hopefully, you would get an easy target. In any case, a sight escapes your covered lips before your hand grabs a card inside the box.

You examine the card in your hand, one side is fully red while the other is covered with a white seal.

One by one, everyone got a card.
"Everyone's taken a card? Then remove the seal from your card.", at the examiner's command, all of you take the seal to reveal the number, each one of you has got.

As you took the seal of the one on your hand, #198 could be seen on it. Quickly you look around, catching that the number owner was the boy with blue clothing. One of the three brothers that were always seen together. 

...He does look like an easy target, a coward but afraid of disappointing his brothers, so he does what they say to him.

"The card indicates your target.", and with that everyone around you puts a hand on their number. Somewhat trying to hide it from their hunter. Well some of them didn't even care to hide it.

"The box has recorded which card each of you drew. This means that you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish. The objective is to steal your target's ID tag.", the examiner explained.

"Oh, so we don't need to kill each other.", you heard your target say.
"Naturally, you're free to use any method you choose to steal the ID tags. Including killing your target and taking the tag off the corpse.", the examiner answers him, followed by the brothers of your target and even himself.

"That sounds like the fastest way.", the red guy one said.
"S-so that's what this is about?", the blue guy one, your target.
"Fool, there's nothing to be scared of.", the last one, the yellow guy and the taller brother said.

"Listen carefully!", the examiner guy, put his hand high in the air to grab the applicant's attention. "Your target's ID tag is worth three points. Your own ID is also worth three points. All other ID tags are worth one point.", he explained alternating his fingers to show three fingers to one and finally to six as he talked.
"You need six points to advance to the final phase. So while on Zevil island, you must gather enough ID tags to total six points. That is the condition for clearing the hunter exam's Fourth phase."

Then after all that explaining, all the applicants enter a boat to ride to the island.

"I'd like to commend everyone on board for their excellent work during the hunter exam's third phase! I will serve as your guide. My name is Khara! It will take two hours for this boat to reach Zevil island. All twenty-four applicants remaining here are automatically qualified to take next year's exam! So if you fail this year, don't feel bad. Please try again next year...", a feminine voice resonated around the boat.

She had pink shoes, a red skirt that was tight on the end, a yellow t-shirt with the hunter's association logo on the front of it and a long sleeve white shirt underneath. She had a headset on too. Her red hair was short and she had yellow eyes, a smile played on her face.

Your eyes stayed closed, trying to ignore her loud voice, which was louder than normal for you. You were not just trying to ignore the lady, but as well, both people that were, at some distance, beside you. Gittarackur and Hisoka.

"Well, you're free to do as you like, for the next two hours. Please enjoy the boat ride.", and with that, the guide walked off, waving.

" Fufu~ what shall we do, my dear?", at the voice of Hisoka your figure instantly stands up and starts to go away as fast as you could, as you do that, it results in some become startled and jump a little while others stared at where you were a few seconds ago.

•time skip•

The two hours passed as you tried to stay away from everyone else, just admiring the ocean.

Yet, noticing that the boat arrived at the island and was ready for everyone to disembark, you walk to the crow of people.

"Thanks for your patience, everyone. We've finally arrived at Zevil island! Now, please disembark in the order by which you cleared the third phase.", Khara's voice resonated in the air again. "After each person disembarks, we'll wait two minutes before the next person's turn. You will stay on this island for exactly one week. During that time you must amass your six points of ID tags and return here. All right then, the first person may start!"

The first person to walk is Hisoka, and after waiting two minutes it's Gittarackur's turn.
"Two minutes have passed. The second person may start!"

Then you heard steps and some weird noise approaching you. Before you could look at the person, you hear the strange voice of Gittarackur say, adding more highlight to the last word, "don't lose, 'kiddo'."He then walks away.

Oh...he did not say wha-...he did, didn't he?...oh how could he!!...
Seeing your shivering figure, the ones who stood around you started sweating nervously, they had heard the comment and feared some death encounter if they stood in your way.

"The third person may start."
And with that, your figure started walking to the exit of the boat. As you walked everyone made a corridor for you to pass. They were afraid of the aura you were letting pass.

Once your feet touched the land, you started running in at incredible speed.
Your goal? Find the needle man and make him pay for calling you a kid on propose, even if he knew you hated it.

Oh, even the time you two worked together wouldn't save him from getting his ass kicked...


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