4th chap.

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"I just can't do it…This may not be my fight, but I won't close my eyes and make a break for it!", Leorio then tries to attack Hisoka.

"Mm, I adore that look on your face.~", Hisoka smirks as he dodges from Leorio attack.

When the clown was about to kill the old man, some fishing floater, slams itself in the clown's face.

You just stand there awkwardly, without knowing what to do. It wasn't your obligation to help them, yet the idea of irritating the clown was tentative.

You look to your side and see Gon there, exhausted from running.

"I made it in time..."
"Not bad, little boy~. Is that a fishing pole? What a fascinating weapon. Allow me a close look."

A cold chill runs down on your back, that clown was for sure creepy, you watch the old man trying to change the attention of the clown, back to him to help his friend.
well, should we change things too? I mean, I hate that clown, fufu, I'm gonna make that he can't play anymore from now~... Ewwww no, no, nono, I can't be influenced by that clownnn...ew!

"Your fight is with me!", as Leorio was about to attack Hisoka you jump between them and stop Leorio's weapon, which was just a piece of wood, with your hand, pushing him back.

"My dear~, how honoured I am for you to protect me~."
"Let them be.", you say in a low voice.

"Oh...and why that? I wasn't aware of this side of you~."
"Go on, dear, if you want me to stop~."
"...I'm hungry...", sure, you were hungry, it's been a little by a day that you haven't eaten.

"Mm, then let's go~." 
"Oi! Where are you going?"

With that Hisoka punches Leorio on the face making him pass out, then proceeded to Carrie him in his shoulder.

"You can find your way back, yes~?"
You see Gon nod, at that.
"That's a good boy~"

Then both of you walk away with Leorio being carried by the clown.

"You surprised me when you talked, back there~. It's so uncommon of you~."
"Awn, come on~. Talk to me, dear~."

*some communicator sound*

"Hisoka, I see you're coming back, but be quick we're near to phase two site."
"Okay, we will be right there~."
"Oh, that~?… I found a little puppeteer~."
"... I see."


•time skip•


"Darling~, I will be back to you, so wait for a second~.", a chill runs down your back as you watch, Hisoka walk away to put Leorio laying on a tree.

Hell, you wouldn't wait for him!
As discretely you could, you walk to the middle of the crow of people so you would have some time before the clown stooped you again.

As you were waiting for the second phase to begin, you saw Gon arrive with the blond boy.

As fast as he sees Hisoka indicating where he has left Leorio, the boy runs to his friend to make sure he is okay.

You observe how the situation goes on. You weren't worried about them yet you feel pity for the old man. The punch he received was strong enough to make him forget what happened.

As you waited for the second phase to begin, you choose to take the time and observe your surroundings.

Many of the people around you looked recuperate from all the running, others were still visible tired and some few others were looking like they haven't run kilometres for hours.

"Hey! How do you know Hisoka?", you look at the owner of the voice. You spot Gon standing a few feet away from you.

"...", curiosity takes over you, so you stare at him, as you tilted your head to the side.

"...", he just stares back at you.

As you have the conclusion that he's a stubborn boy, you decide to answer him.

"We meet a few times in the past..."
You watch as his eyes widen in surprise and as he opens his mouth to say something, yet before he could say anything, the examiner of the 1st phase announces that the 2nd phase will begin soon.

(N/a: Hi there, so... i'm not dead!... :D

Ahem... I am so, so, so sorry for the slow update...bUt! I wish you all had a lot of fun in the past few days!

Don't forget to take care of yourself and stay safe.

Oh, and I may or may not have changed the cover of this, I hope you like it.

And sorry for this short chapter!)

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