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Hey i'm Victor Criss , Vic for short . Hair bleach blond , my original hair color is dark brown but i look dead since i'm very pale . Height ...you don't need to know . Anyways , i'm in my room right now , it's 7.30AM and i'm pretty sure my friends are waiting for me . I put on my coziest hoodie , yeah it's the 7th of october and i'm cold (this town is always either super cold or boiling) ,take my schoolbag and i get out of my house . I seat down in Belches car , i'm next to Patrick , Henry was in the frontseat and Belch was obviously driving . That guy Hockstetter is fucking huge , a mountain !! And he's also super creepy , sometimes he stares at me with his big green eyes wide open and a creepy smile on his face . I don't get why Henry likes him so much , probably because Henry is himself kind of weird even if he considers himself kind of my best friend or something . I mean we are friends , I know him since I was a child and he's great when in a good mood , he's never in a good mood . I know why tho , he has problems with his dad , everybody knows his dad (butch Bowers) is crazy . But telling that to Henry is suicide . Now that i'm talking 'bout my friends i'm gonna talk about my other friends : first off there' s Belch , that's not really his name , ( his real name is Reginald but he hates it , sometimes i call him Reg and he tolerates it (: )I would say he is my real best friend , i really hope he considers me as such . He helped me bleach my hair when i wanted to ,he is very tall but not as tall Patrick . He really nice to me and i like him a lot , in a friendly way of course. Then i guess there's Peter Gordon, to be honest i don't really care about him , i think he likes hanging out with me but it's kind of annoying since his girlfriend Marcia follows him everywhere . And the last one is Moose , he is not very important , I mean i don't talk to him much ,it's probably because he's older. We got to the school ,i don't really get why we're going , we're always skipping but now that it's cold we have to go... 8AM science class , we're not even doing some cool stuff that explodes , it's just tons and tons of endless text written on a white background . So i just sit there , my back hurts ,seriously , would it cost to much to this shit hell of a school to buy some fucking real chairs and not those sticky stools . I draw some doodles on a piece of paper , waiting for the class to end .I'm really tired , i can literally feel my eyebags growing . SKIP , yeah i'm doing the story telling i do what i want . So it's noon break ,i'm with my friends ,Belch isn't there yet , seriously how is he always late we're in the same class and he always comes like 10 minutes after the rest of the gang.I think Peter is talking to me about a movie or something , Marcia's not sticking to him , i think she's with Greta . It's funny , Greta couldn't even look at Marcia when we were kids , and it's been a few months now i think, they're always together . Peter told me they're comploting something but really i don't care. Belch just got here , he sat next to me :
-Hey Vic ,whassup ??
- Ho hey !! ,and than Henry interfiered in the conversion, how usual...
-Wanna go smoke behind the school ? no of course i don't want to ,it's freezing outside !!
-Yeah ! fuck i have to go with them now . I could stay here but i don't want to be alone ( Gordon doesn't smoke but it would be weird being alone without the others stopping him from explaining to me every second of his life )
So we get up and go outside . I't worse than i imagined . My fingers are gonna fall off ,okay maybe i'm being a bit dramatic but still. I took a cigarette out of the pack and lit it on . Gosh it's been 15 minutes , they're not finished .
-I need to go shit , see ya ! Did he really just said that ?! Weirdly Hockstetter's following him , i hope Henry's gonna be fine but i guess so , he's strong !!
-Hey Vic are you're okay ? you're literally trembling dude ! Yeah trembling because I'm dying of pneumonia.
-It's cold asshole !!
-you want my jacket ?
-hum...huh...yeah i'm really freezing... ironically enough my face feels warm right now ,it's probably unrelated .
So i take his jacket ,it was way to big , and after a while we're going back inside.
The afternoon went by quite quickly , i wander how Henry's classes are doing , since he repeated a year .
Then came the "best moment of day" as Henry could say. Beating up some kids !!yay.
So we get infront of the school and start messing with 14 years olds before going back to the car . I know it's bad , what we're doing but atleast it's stress releaving y'know. I'm back home and really tired . I won't bother with homework for obvious reasons and- wait i still have Reg's jacket on . Shit ... i guess i'm gonna give it back to him tomorow . It's cheesy but it smells just like him . I'm pretty sure my clothes don't do that , they probably smell like sweat . I keep his jacket on me , it's nice and warm. I should probably eat something , i go downstairs and thank god my parents aren't there so they won't ask questions . I ate really whatever and i'm going back in my room and then i just lay down in my bed .

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now