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Im walking up to Peter's house. West Broadway is a very beautiful street, pretty houses and such, too bad it's filled with shitty people, i mean Greta, Marcia , Sally Mueller ( which is just a little dog walking next to Greta at all times, on her own she isn't so bad but she is a prude and naive which makes her very hard to talk to without gagging of stuckupness).Peter isn't that great either, even if he's not evil or anything he's plain and a bit of a coward. I just got infront of his door. i knock on it. He answers. And here we go !
- Hum Pet-
holy shit that's fast he's hugging me ?? He's way to comfortable already, if i haven't mentionned it i regret things, as fast as i do them.
- Hey Vic , you wanted to see me ? I'm really glad you came.
Man i feel bad how am i suppose to back away from plan when he's giving me look like that, he's even holding my hand for god's sake i still haven't told him shit.
- Hum yeah so i thought about it for a while and hum...
should i really do this ? Welp at least it's efficient...
-...I'm down!
Why did i say that i sound like some kind of boy scout of some shit but i guess he doesn't mind since he looks at me like i'm sweet fucking jesus. I honestly didn't think things would turn that way, i mean earlier today i had a girlfriend but i'm gay and now i have a boyfriend but i don't like him like that... I'm on dating 101...
Peter is very VERY entrepreneurial, right now i'm sat next to him, or more of under him... and he puts his hands on my chest and tells me stuff but i can't really listen, the situation is too weird and I'm starting to lose my calm, i'm really uncomfortable.
- Um... Vic are you okay you don't look fine.
He puts his hand on my forehead but i backup a bit, i mean it isn't suspicious i can just put boundaries and even if i did like him like that i would still be uncomfortable with him going so fast. So i push him away a little.
- Sorry Peter i'm just a bit uneasy with like going that fast and burning stages. I need space you know.
Good job Vic you did one thing well. Seriously i should drink champagne since it's the first logical thing i say in what ?... 4-5 hours ? He just stands there looking at me. Is he hurt ? He shouldn't be i'm just like that, i'd find it annoying even if i did like him.
- Oh... i'm sorry i just ... i thought it was okay, with you i mean...
This keep getting worse i think i'm gonna leave soon like, very soon.
- I should probably get going, i'm on a tight schedule right now.
Yep i need to lay down in my bathtub and wash myself with bleach.
- oh... Already ? Okay see you at school then.
I tell him goodbye but he doesn't answer, i get that he's waiting something from me... fine i can't just leave like that it would be too obvious... We got to the door and i was about to leave but i turned around put my hand on his cheek and kiss him slightly. To be honest it kinda bugs me that he's taller than me, not much taller but a bit, he still not a bad kisser so i'll let it slide. I hear a gasp next to me like in the distance, so i finish the kissing and turn to see. Shit Marcia saw us, she slams her frontdoor behind her and we're just staring at eachother in utter shock until comes panick.
- Holy shit dude what do we do ?
He asks me that as if i knew what the fuck i'm supposed to do.
- Y'know what i'll go talk to her and you just go home, bye Vic.
And he slams the door in my face. Alright than I'm going home... I don't even bother being fast, this was the weirdest time of my life.
Finally home, well my mom is here... fuck.
-Victor where were you ?
I don't want conversation uuuuhhhhh....
- At a friends house.
I grab a glass of water and hope she'll shut up and be satisfied with the answer. Thankfully she was and i could just go away in my room and just do nothing, i'm literally just laying down a blank expression on my face. I'm just figuring out all that happened now and this is gonna be really difficult tomorrow. Damn at the moment i got back on track with Henry this happens. Shit... I just fall asleep and prepare myself mentally for the day to come.
I woke up late, I'm dressed like shit, my hair is messy but i just don't care. I get in Belches car and yet no one says anything out of the ordinary , so they don't know yet... I get to my first Thursday class where I'm next to Reg. To be honest i like music class but right now i don't care. We have a discussion to make.
- Hey how did it go with Peter ?
He's still pouty about it but that's good for me y'know !!
- Not great he's really clingy and shit and also Marcia saw us...
-WHaT ?
He almost yells, god this is so embarrassing i tell him to shut up but he keeps staring at me with wide eyes. Atleast it means he hadn't heard about it before i told him which is surprising enough. I keep that up later but i better change the subject for now.
- Whatever, what 'bout that girl tho ?
I swear if i can know her imma find her and kill her in her sleep, like i'm working hard for this, bitch, move aside !!
- Oh , she was joking.
He looks so sad, i swear i'm still gonna kill her in her sleep...
- Wow i'm so sorry dude, they don't deserve you for real.he just smiles at me, he's so sweet, it's sad. How am i the only one seeing that in him...
The class ends a while later and no ones staring at me. Literally the whole day pass by and nothing happens, at the end of the day i was about to go home when Peter stopped me.
- Hey ... um...Vic i talked to Marcia and everything is fine.
Of that's what's up, well thanks Pete you actually saved my ass !!
- Alright, thank you Peter...
I look around quickly and notice Belch is right behind me,
-...Maybe we should get on a date sometime.
I wink at him, he just smile nods and leave. I turn around to see Belch mad so i tell him bye and i leave too! I would have left in his car but it would have been much too akward so i'm gonna be cold on the way home !

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now